Lambomoon Gameplay & Reward

Yudus Labs
Lamdamoon Metaverse


This article may be out-of-date, please see the official Wiki for latest info.

Gameplay features are based on main storyline

Prologue — The Encounter

No gameplay thus far, only marketing events for warming up and community building.

Chapter 1 — Lambase Moon Station

In the beginning, players need to learn how to build Lambase Sections ( and other types of NFT ). NFT items need to be combined properly ( by researching wiki ), otherwise they will be lost in vain.

Lambase is prerequisite for spaceship NFT engineering.

NFT resource items and Lambase construction will be on-chain, players can interact with smart contracts through web frontend.

Chapter 2 — The Explorers

Players must have spaceship ready before flying to Lambo ( buy on market or build from scratch ). In game, spaceship represents the number of rounds player can play per day.

Here are several ways to get access to spaceship

  • Buy on market
  • If you already have Lambase, you can build spaceship yourself in NFT engineering
  • Borrow from other players/guilds ( scholarship )

PvE monster combat gameplay will be in form of turn-based strategy and run in Unreal.

Player choose uncharted land plots ( no owner yet ), and fight with monsters living on it. By winning monster and clearing a land plot for the first time, player earn a small reward in LBM, and also take ownership of that land plot. After that, the owners can mine resource on their land plot by staking Mining machine NFT item, this is where majority of LBM can be earned from the game. Details in PvE System.

If a player clear monster in a land plot already owned by other player, there is no reward, however it still help in accumulating in-game experience point, which is neccessary for battle in more advanced land plots.

Although there is a lot of land on Lambo and it will take a lot of time for players to explore and take over them all, it is still limited. This design incentivizes early players to join the game to explore and secure land plots as soon as possible ( user acquisition )

When all land plots already explored and owned by existing players, the only way for new comer to earn LBM is

  • Buy Lambo land from other players and mine LBM
  • Winning in PvP, explained in Chapter 3

NFT spaceship and weapon building process will be on-chain, players can interact with smart contracts through web frontend.

Chapter 3 — The Great War

Similar to spaceship, tele-portal represents the number of rounds player can play per day, but much more greater.

PvE gameplay is continued from Chapter 1, until all land plots are explored and taken over by players. It will take a while.

PvP gameplay has 2 modes

  • Spaceship fighting in 1st/3rd person shooter view in Unreal Engine. Winner is rewarded in LBM taken from loser. The penalty should not be so harsh to keep entertainment value. Anyone prefer hardcore competition could choose Land combat below.
  • Land combat in turn-based strategy style. Winner will take land ownership of loser, so it is for hardcore gamers ( unless they have a lot of land to throw out )

Note that, PvP need agreement from both players to enter a battle. Although the system will find and do matching among players, both players need to accept to continue.

Portal building process will be on-chain, player can interact with smart contracts through web frontend.

