Answering Recent Frequently Asked Questions

Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2018

The Lamden project has grown a lot since its ICO, and we have new members joining our community every day. As such, we also have many questions that are commonly asked, which we try to answer as clearly and succinctly as we can on our social media channels. It may now be a good time to compile some of the most frequently asked of those questions and give them a clear, thorough answer, so that everyone can be on the same page.

Is Lamden an ERC20 token?

Yes, but only as a placeholder token until the development of our Cilantro mainnet is complete. Upon the completion of this mainnet, all Lamden tokens will be swapped for the newly minted Tau tokens that now will have their own blockchain.

When is Lamden’s mainnet?

Lamden’s mainnet is scheduled to be released during the fourth quarter of this year, 2018. This is the time above-mentioned token swap will happen. It will mark the completion of the Lamden blockchain that was advertised and promised in our ICO. The testnet for this mainchain is already out. Check it out here.

Are there rewards for masternodes or for staking Tau?

Yes, the option to do these will start becoming available after the launch of the Lamden mainchain. Some worry that there is no rewards for taking part in the Lamden system. This was a possibility before, but we decided to include rewards that would be enough to incentivize participation. The first version of our governance policy can be found here.

How many developers does Lamden have?

Lamden has two sets of developers: The core team member developers and a supplementary contracted team of developers as well. Both teams are currently about five in number. Lamden’s four team members can be found here, with an additional developer recently hired not yet on this list.

When is the new whitepaper going to be released?

As we have mentioned upon the start of our whitepaper series just over a month ago. We mentioned a two month estimate, and after five additions in the series, that estimate should still be accurate. The new whitepaper will hopefully be released in less than a month’s time.

Where does the Lamden’s 10,000 transactions a second number come from?

This comes from our plan to implement the consensus protocol we are implementing, the Honey Badger BFT protocol. It is a protocol that been tested over the TOR network and is capable of “tens of thousands of transactions per second.” You can read more about it here.

Is Lamden giving away free Ether/Tau? Am I supposed to send Ether/Tau to a specific address or provide my private key?

Okay, this isn’t actually a frequently asked question, but there are people out there posing as false representatives of Lamden and trying to scam people out of funds. So let me make it clear that Lamden is absolutely not going to ever ask you to send funds to a particular address for other funds in return, nor would we ever ask you for your private key.

My question wasn’t answered!

If you have anymore questions, feel free to come ask them on our Telegram channel,, or on our Reddit, You can also private message me on Telegram or Reddit (my handle is CR_Lamden for both) or email me at We at the Lamden team are always here to answer your questions.

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