Lamden ARKO is now LIVE!

Jeff Scott
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2023

After a long development cycle, Arko FINALLY lives!

Before I get to anything I just want to say that I am honored to work with some of the best and brightest people and I just want to call them out.

Stuart, Mykyta, Glen, and Allen have contributed a lot of time to get this deployment out the door and I want to thank them for being the best and smartest people I have worked with.

I also want to call attention to Paul Donald, Endogen (if that is your real name), Benji, and Crosschainer for keeping me honest about bugs and testing things as we went. You can never catch all the bugs, but you guys sure found a lot.

A final thank you to those that ran Testnet nodes and dealt with our development process in real-time. Thanks for sticking with us!

I’m sure I have forgotten many people, but I think you all know who you are.

Let’s get to the important stuff!

If everything goes according to plan the Lamden Vault Wallet should make the Arko Mainnet network option available at 5 pm EST (make sure you refresh the Vault after that time). Also, make sure you are on version v2.4.0. You can download the latest here.

Arko Mainnet” is now the network you should use. A future update will remove the “Lamden Mainnet” and “Lamden Testnet” network options entirely to avoid confusion.

All $TAU balances and smart contracts values were transferred over to the new network.

Contact your favorite Dapp operator to see if you should start using their app.

Lamden Link will be down till at least tomorrow with Pixel Whale returning later this week.

Node Dashboard

The wallet now has a node dashboard section.

This is an image from Arko Testnet

This will be where Node Owners can view their rewards gained as well as raise and vote on network policies and motions.

Block Explorer

The great and powerful Coindab will have the Arko Mainnet Explorer up today after 5pm EST.

We will tweet out when it is live.

How do I become a Node?

A popular question! We will begin onboarding community nodes the week of Feb 13th. This will let us monitor the network for a couple of weeks as well as release some guidance on how to properly set up a node and what should be expected.

We will start by onboarding nodes from our Testnet node runners. After that Lamden will no longer have control of the network and it will be in the community's (your) hands.

DAO Funds

The DAO will be funded this week with roughly 40 million TAU will be put in the hands of the Lamden Node Group to make the project stronger than it has ever been.

Node Details

For developers, these are the master nodes and block services that Lamden is now running.


Masternode documentation

Block Services:

Block Service Documentation

The best practice should be to use WebSockets for getting state updates. Refrain from polling for updates as it causes too much traffic (ie sending “latest_block” requests a few times a second.

If you MUST poll, use all URLs in a round, robin fashion so you are not hammering one node in particular. As more nodes and block services come online the load can be spread around even more.

Network Stability

Arko has undergone months of testing but nothing is 100%. From a security standpoint, the code underwent an audit, and it contains the latest and greatest contracting version which also underwent an audit.

Just like the last chain we DO expect some downtime. I know this is crazy for a project to admit but nothing is bulletproof. Please be patient with the node group if issues arise and we need to fix things. In the short term, Lamden controls all the nodes so we hope that means a quick resolution to issues. In the long term, as a decentralized group, the Node owners will need to communicate on fixes and get the network back up in a timely fashion if something happens.


Please report any issues in the Lamden Telegram Room

Why Lamden?

It’s fast, with tiny transaction fees, and a developer-focus. Built from the ground up to remove technical hurdles and empower developers. Choose to program in Python, or your preferred language, and significantly reduce the time to produce your dApps. Developers are further incentivized since 90% of each transaction fee is returned to the dApp creator. $TAU has a maximum supply of 248 million and is deflationary with 1% of each transaction fee burned. Lamden is paving its own path as the premier Python-based layer-1 blockchain platform. With access to a potential developer base of over 10 million, the sky is the limit. Welcome to Lamden!

