Lamden Dev Update — November 2nd, 2019

Jason Yoakam


Greetings! We’ve been hard at work hammering along on the last legs of our launch journey and we’ve got all kinds of great updates to share!

If you haven’t yet, be sure to join our Reddit community and come discuss this week’s update.


  • The frontpage of has been updated to align it more with our sales vision and strategy. The site now includes 3 case studies which help communicate the services and solutions Lamden can provide. More site updates to come.

Lamden Wallet

  • Cypress installed to aid with testing. Unit tests created and passing for all Bitcoin and Ethereum crypto functions. Lamden wallet functions implemented and test cases passing. Coin Marketcap API implemented into Clove and clove-api endpoints created. Wallet pulls Coin Marketcap data to provide balances in 30+ currencies.

Blockchain & Contracting

  • Cilantro V1 is feature locked. Raghu and Stuart are working on testing and refractors while Tejas is finishing the upgrade.
  • Unittesting for the final version is going well.
  • Version 1 of ContractDB, our enterprise version of Contracting, is complete.

What’s Next?

We are pushing further and further forward towards release. Our aim is to add an upgrade path which gives us the ability to add features whenever we’d like after the mainnet launch. This week we should get final designs back from the designer and start implementing the final UI. Work on implementing Lamden Transactions.

Learn more about Lamden

