Lamden Dev Update — October 8th, 2019

Jason Yoakam
2 min readOct 8, 2019


Happy October! We are very excited to share our latest updates with you!

If you haven’t yet, be sure to join our Reddit community and come discuss this week’s update.


  • Our new Steve Rienhart has been doing great work settling into his new position as Senior Salesperson! We’re very excited for the experience, talent, and work ethic he brings to the table!
  • Relocated to new offices that are better AND more cost effective!

Lamden Wallet

  • Implemented Ethereum, Ethereum tokens and Bitcoin transactions into the wallet. Now works like a functional cross network wallet.
  • Implemented initiating and participating in an atomic swap, into the wallet.


  • Made two new repos for developers: Mockchain and Lampy
  • Mockchain is a ‘fake’ blockchain that feels like the mainnet but runs on your own computer so you can develop against it
  • Lampy is a Python client for interacting with the blockchain
  • Refactored large sections of code and added more unittests and polished off the enterprise version of contracting so that we can pursue enterprise engagements.
  • Continued effort to move code to new directory organization and making it production quality. Working on messaging part.

What’s Next?

Continue moving code to new directory organization and making it production quality. Continue refactoring code. Begin work on business and industry case studies.

Learn more about Lamden

