Lamden Dev Update — September 13th, 2019

Jason Yoakam
2 min readSep 13, 2019


Happy Friday everyone! It’s been a bit and we have plenty of updates for you!

If you haven’t yet, be sure to join our Reddit community and come discuss this week’s update.

Lamden Wallet

  • New wallet development in Svelte is going well. Mocked up screens from Andy’s UX wireframes
  • About 30% of wallet backend functionality has been implemented.
  • Reviewed preliminary designed for the new wallet from the designer.
  • Worked on merging the new Lamden Swaps API endpoints with the new wallet. This includes adding coins supported by the platform to the wallet and retrieving wallet balances. Lots of work and discussion still going on between UX and design.


  • Working on cleaning up message and message flow in our system. Essentially we rewrote some pieces previously, but there are some old code remnants still remain. And new code needs proper interfaces. This is the part of our plan of moving our code to production quality.
  • Finished the first steps towards an enterprise version of the smart contracting platform so that we can sell it to businesses.
  • Code changes for self regulating network are checked in. Work on sub block builder code refactoring and next set of error handling there. This will help control total chain size by slowing down block-building during slow times.
  • Finished a new model for code execution scope which now allows us to restrict function calls based on ‘ownership’ which will allow people to register their contract to a master controller contract. This is very important functionality for the governance of the platform
  • Finishing up the upgrade path version 1 system which will allow on-line upgrades to occur in a way that is still distributed

What’s Next?

We will continue working on the upgrade path system as well as the message and message flow. Continue pushing towards production-quality code. We will also be working on the UX and design for the new wallet!

Learn more about Lamden

