Lamden Wallet v1.8.0 — Cleaning House

Jeff Scott
Published in
7 min readOct 21, 2021

This is a guide to be able to merge and cleanup your Lamden Wallet accounts. There is no requirement or a deadline to do this, it’s just information if you want it😎.

Time to tidy up our wallets 🧼 🧽

With the new Lamden Wallet v1.8.0 release we now have Dynamic DAPP Connections.

This is a departure from how the wallet worked previously.

Previous to v.1.8.0 each time the wallet connected to a DAPP it would create a NEW account for that DAPP in the wallet. This was done to silo the DAPP away from your Main Account and provide an extra level of security between a malicious app and your funds.

While this seemed like a good idea when the Lamden Ecosystem was quite small the reality was, as Lamden became more popular, the amount of accounts the user had to deal with became unwieldy. This included keeping TAU in each account to allow transactions and tracking which account held which tokens or NFTs.

A bigger issue that I personally did not see was the paradigm shift for users who were just familiar with how other wallets like Metamask usually handle these connections. Even though users got comfortable with our paradigm, onboarding those users to Lamden had more friction than it was worth.

Thank god that’s all in the past!

Or is it? 🕵️‍♀️

After v1.8.0 you will have a new menu item called Dapp Connections

This one

Clicking this will take you to a new screen that lists all the DAPP connections your wallet has made. Next to the DAPP is the the account that you currently have linked. Clicking “Change Account” will bring up a screen that lets you change to a different account.

But, if you navigate back to the Accounts screen for a moment you’ll notice that it looks just a cluttered as ever! That’s because all the accounts that the DAPPS create still exist in the wallet. It seems we have some house cleaning to do!

The ideal situation is to take all these accounts and combine them into 1 or 2 accounts that hold ALL of our assets. And then point all of our DAPPs at just our main account. So when you go from Lamden Link to Rocketswap the same assets are being accessed.

Step 1a: BACKUP! 💾

Before we do anything, including deleting accounts, we need to do a backup. This is so if future us realizes we missed moving any assets we can recover the account to the wallet and have access to those assets.


Whichever you decide make sure you store the information SECURELY.

Be nice to future you, use something like LastPass to keep complex passwords safe but accessible. You will thank you later.

Step 1b: BACKUP!! 🛑

Seriously. Do it. This article will not be held responsible for lost assets.

Step 2: Select a main account 💃

From your list of accounts select which will be your MAIN ACCOUNT. I suggest going into this account’s properties and renaming it to just that. This will help to avoid confusion as to which account we are moving our assets to.

Step 3: Move Tokens 🪙

  • You can easily click on any of the tokens listed in your wallet to see which accounts have balances. Use this great tutorial to transfer those tokens to your MAIN ACCOUNT
  • What about tokens that you didn’t know you had? YOU’RE RICH BITCH! lookup your wallet address on it should show you all your token balances. Add any tokens to the wallet following this fantastic tutorial and then move them to your MAIN ACCOUNT

Step 3: Rocketswap Staking and Liquidity 🚀

Any staking you’re doing on Rocketswap will be tied to the Rocketswap account.

You have a couple options here:

Move everything:

Keep Account for Staking

  • If you’re heavy into the staking and liquidity pools and you just want to deal with this later then you can leave this account as is. You’ll essentially be swapping back and forth in the Dapp Connections page between your MAIN ACCOUNT for trading and this account for staking. If you empty your farms daily they may not be a great option. But if you’re a set it and forget it farmer then it’s probably the easiest for you.
  • Rename the account to Rocketswap Staking and leave some amount of TAU in this account for making transactions later

Step 4: Pixel Whale 🐳

There are two considerations for merging our Pixel Whale NFTs with our MAIN ACCOUNT.

Owned NFTs:

  • Anything you own can be transferred to your MAIN ACCOUNT by visiting the NFTs page on Pixel Whale and using the Gift button. Be sure the MAIN ACCOUNT address you paste in has no leading or trailing spaces!
Get yourself something nice

Created NFTs

  • If you have not created any NFTs from this account then move on
  • Creators are meant to never change. The creation of an NFT will always be tied to the account that created it. This was a design decision which I regret now but it is what it is.
  • This means that we need to keep this account around because anytime one of your Creations is sold then you will get royalties collecting in this account and you will want to have access to those
  • Rename this account to Pixel Whale Creator

Step 4a: Contract Developers 🤓

If you have ever submitted a contract you will get a cut of every transaction fee that goes through that contract. If you have not, then you can move ahead.

You can view the developer of any contract by replacing the contract name in THIS URL with your own.

So if you have an account that you want to get rid of now. You can change the developer of your smart contract to your MAIN ACCOUNT by creating this transaction. If you are a developer this should be familiar to you.

Make sure the account selected in the top box is the current developer account.

Developers should hopefully understand this

Step 4b: Contract Operators 🏗️

If you have never developed a Lamden Smart contract then you can skip this.

If you use the operator (or owner) paradigms in your smart contracts then hopefully you have built a mechanism to change who that is.

Implementation of something like this is in the hands of the developer. I just wanted to have this item here to remind you to check if any of your accounts are currently set as the operator or owner of any current contract before you toast them.

Step 5: Other considerations 💭

There are a lot of DAPPS on Lamden. New and OLD and depending on your time using Lamden you could have accounts and items all over the place.

Visit the communities that you value the most and ask around if there is anything more you should do before deleting an account.

Some communities to consider:

Hopefully these and other communities publish their own migration steps to help people clean up old accounts

Step 6: Send TAU and Remove accounts 🗑️

If you have backed up your accounts, and we all know you have, then you can go ahead and delete accounts that no longer are tied to any assets or you don’t ever plan to need again.

Before we do let’s get as much TAU out of the account as possible (dust may remain). Use this brilliant tutorial to send TAU from all accounts you are going to delete to your MAIN ACCOUNT.

How to squeeze out as much TAU as possible?

  • Stamp Limit: 25 Stamps
  • Amount to send: Total TAU in account subtract 0.4 TAU

SO if I have 10.8 TAU in my account I’m going to set the stamp limit to 25 and then set my amount for the transaction to 10.4 (10.8–0.4).

If you need them in the future you can restore them from the keystore backup or add specific accounts back via private key.

Wallet may be less shiny than picture depicts

All done! Hopefully we have cleaned up your wallet even a little and it’s now a happier place to be!

Learn more about Lamden

