Lamden Weekly Digest [Feb 10]

Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2023

A few highlights of activity over the past week across the Lamden community:


  • LamdenLink is now on Arko! Swap from Lamden to BSC and back with ease. The team is planning to add additional community tokens ($BLBR, $TRT, $YETI) to the bridge in the coming weeks.
  • We have a lot more to look forward to over the coming days, weeks and months. More community nodes will be onboarded to the network. PixelWhale will be transitioned to Arko. The $MARMITE team is diligently working on their rebrand to YETI. The Rocketswap team is reviving Nebula (more on that below). SPANGE is creating a new rock, paper, scissors dapp. The OnlyLuck developer is building a first-of-its-kind metaverse NFT art gallery. …and no doubt more surprises on the way!
  • The Taurus NFT marketplace is now integrated with an AI image generator, placing yet another powerful creative tool in everyone’s hands. Simply type your idea into the prompt, wait a moment while the image generates, and then with a few more clicks you’ve minted a new NFT! Kudos to the Taurus developer crosschainer who has done a fantastic job showcasing the Lamden ideals for making blockchain easy and approachable to all. Don’t miss out on a chance to win $300 in prizes to celebrate the Arko upgrade!
  • Pixel artist ‘thatguy’ continues to thrill us with his PixelWhale animations and has begun releasing a series of mesmerizing new YouTube Shorts videos. Definitely worth checking out!
  • The Rocketswap team has divulged additional intriguing details about the revival of Nebula. The project will be renamed Portal and coincide with a token swap from $NEB to $XPTL (swap window starts today and ends March 10) — more details to be shared very shortly. There will be an additional airdrop of $XPTL for $RSWP holders. Portal vaults are scheduled to be available in Q2 of this year.
  • Trading Strategy wrote an article highlighting the current state of Python in blockchain. Lamden was featured as a core blockchain and node software.
  • Aspiring Lamden developers should check out this tutorial for how to build a dapp. The step-by-step guide will help familiarize yourself with Lamden and prepare you for releasing your first dapp!
  • The Lamden Vault wallet turns one year old! Happy birthday pal! It’s been a joy to use over the past year and we’re excited to see it continually evolve and improve into the future.


  • Transactions: 1,291,968 (+1,304)
  • Burned: 7,649 (+8)
  • Tokens: 187 (+1)
  • Dapps: 10 (-)
  • Contracts: 1,890 (+9)
  • Addresses: 25,641 (+108)

Why Lamden?

It’s fast, with tiny transaction fees, and a developer-focus. Built from the ground up to remove technical hurdles and empower developers. Choose to program in Python, or your preferred language, and significantly reduce the time to produce your dApps. Developers are further incentivized since 90% of each transaction fee is returned to the dApp creator. $TAU has a maximum supply of 248 million and is deflationary with 1% of each transaction fee burned. Lamden is paving its own path as the premier Python-based layer-1 blockchain platform. With access to a potential developer base of over 10 million, the sky is the limit. Welcome to Lamden — let’s build together!

