The Black Condor

Published in
1 min readApr 21, 2017

Wow, where to start. First some basic facts about The Black Condor:

First Appearance: Crack Comics #1, May, 1940

Alter Ego: Richard Grey Jr.

Marital Status: Single (SWOON)

It all starts with infant Richard’s archaeologist parents being killed my mongol warriors, in Mongolia no less! Then “unusually intelligent condors” took the infant baby *cough* under their wing *cough*. And by some mutant miracle the little boy learned he could fly just like his condor mommy and daddy! Oh and he has mind-over-matter mental powers. And a wicked ray-gun that shoots a black beam of variable intensity.

This guy is a doozy.

Did I mention this guy moves back to the states and takes over the life of a murdered Senator that looks like him?

It must be warm wherever Mister The Black Condor lives because that costume doesn’t leave much to the imagination.




Rubyist, Artist, Freethinker and Tabletop Gamer. Former Ninja. Never a Rockstar.