4 signs you’re in a relationship with a toxic person, according to psychology

harry writes
3 min readMay 16, 2024

Every relationship has its ups and downs, so it’s totally normal if it’s not ‘roses and sunshine’ all the time.

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But there’s a big difference between a difficult situation and a toxic relationship.

How do you decide which one it is? First, if you feel like you’ve done everything you can to make things better, it could be your partner’s fault.

Additionally, thanks to psychologists and research studies, there are many signs of an unhealthy relationship.

So, if you notice some of the signs below, the cause of your relationship problems could be that your partner is toxic...

1) You give much more than you get

A healthy relationship has a balance between giving and receiving. Both partners do anything for each other out of love and kindness.

They appreciate everything they do and appreciate each other. So if you find yourself constantly giving without getting much in return, it could be a sign of toxicity.

According to psychology, this move can indicate that your partner is taking advantage of your generosity and doesn’t value your efforts.

They might:

  • Ignore your boundaries or need for space
  • Ignore your needs and preferences
  • Pressure or guilt trip you into uncomfortable situations.

This lack of respect undermines trust and autonomy in the relationship. Additionally, giving too much to your partner means you don’t have time to consider your own needs, which can lead to resentment and frustration.

This behavior may also be part of a control tactic called isolation. In this case you would recognize:

2) You no longer spend time with your friends or family

Isolation from supportive relationships is a common tactic used by toxic people to maintain control.

If you notice that you’re spending less time with friends and family because your partner is stopping or discouraging you, that’s a red flag.

Psychology suggests that this isolation strategy can make you feel dependent and weak. And all psychologists agree that it’s not healthy to spend all your time with your partner.

For example, behavior analyst Wendy L. Patrick explains that a healthy relationship is one where partners balance the time and space they share to express each other’s individuality.

3) They are constantly nitpicking

Is your partner constantly criticizing you for everything you do?

Are you turning small mistakes into big problems without seeing everything you’re doing right?

According to psychology, toxic people often engage in this behavior to increase their control and undermine your self-confidence.

Another reason could be feeling anxious, as this study found a link between stinginess and social anxiety. No matter why your partner does this, constant criticism and pointing out can affect your self-esteem.

Therefore, you may also notice the following signs:

4) They disregard your feelings and concerns

Emotional invalidation is another common tactic used by manipulators to maintain control in a relationship.

But what exactly does this behavior look like?

Well, your partner will consistently:

  • Disregards your feelings
  • Dismiss your concerns
  • Minimizes your experiences

According to Brittany Carrico, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, when emotions are invalidated, people feel unimportant, unheard, and even behave irrationally.

It is said that sometimes. If your partner ignores your feelings, it shows a lack of empathy.

On a deeper level, it reflects a lack of emotional intelligence and an inability to build emotional intimacy, which is an important aspect of a healthy, loving relationship.

Final thoughts

If you feel your partner is toxic, don’t ignore the problem.

By understanding the signs of a toxic relationship, you can determine how healthy your relationship is.

But what should you do if you notice the above signs?

First, it’s important to prioritize your mental and emotional health and seek support.

Second, remember that you have the right to feel valued, respected, and safe in your relationships.

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harry writes



harry writes

I am an experienced content writer in the field of spirituality and personal growth. I have a passion for sharing my expertise through the power of words,