5 Signs A Man Is Incredibly Attracted To You, According To Psychology

Determining whether a man is attracted to you is a bit like trying to decipher hieroglyphics.

harry writes
4 min readMay 24, 2024


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They paint a pretty picture, but I don’t know what they actually mean. Many men act cool when they like someone. Sometimes they hide their true feelings until they feel a little more confident that their feelings will be reciprocated. But thanks to psychology, we can make some educated guesses.

Various signs can help you know if he’s really into you. The information below may inspire you, too, to take action against the man in question.

So without further ado, here are 5 signs that a man is really attracted to you. All of this is backed by science.

1) He initiates conversation

If a man is always finding excuses to strike up conversations with you, he may be attracted to you.

Starting a conversation with you is one of the most obvious ways for a man to show he’s interested.

If he’s interested in you, experts suggest he might bring up topics he knows you’re interested in and look for job openings.

How does he know? Because he’s a pro at actively listening, at least when it comes to you.

And he will keep asking you more questions because he wants to know as much about you as he can.

I remember many years ago when a guy I liked in my neighborhood started a conversation with me about the Beatles. I asked him how he knew the Beatles were my favorite band.

He said, "I have my own ways." So yeah, he heard me and remembered them. That was his way. Those were good ways.

2) The eyes don’t lie

According to psychology, eye contact between two people is one of the most effective forms of nonverbal communication.

When a man looks deep into your eyes and you look into his, you’re both communicating (without telling each other) that you want to build a connection.

When he turns his attention to you with laser-like focus, the rest of his world disappears. Eye contact is a great way for two people to see how compatible or incompatible they are with each other.

3) He longs to be close to you

If a man is attracted to you, he will use any excuse to get close to you without seeming weird.

If you "happen" to be standing nearby, he might gently stroke your arm, nudge you playfully, or even stab you in the ribs like my husband used to do.

It was annoying and adorable and sexy. Yes, a rib poke from the right man can be sexy. Even now, decades later, I still get goosebumps when I think about it. By physically reducing the distance between you, it’s easier to initiate more random, casual touches "by accident." This clearly shows attraction.

This is another good sign of how you feel about him. Because that jab to the ribs was the one that knocked me out in that great Sam Cooke way.

4) He’s nice to you

Ever since Keith Richards was a baby, men have relied on flattery to woo women.

And some of these men are more sincere in their compliments than others. Therefore, direct verbal cues are very easy to catch.

If you’re a suspicious cynic like me, it’s just a matter of assessing the motives.

5) He’s your personal jester

The certain things in life are: Death, taxes, and a man who kills himself just to make you laugh have evil plans for you.

If a man near you turns into a stand-up comedian, it’s a sign of attraction. He wants you to associate laughter with him because science has proven that laughing together creates stronger bonds.

Funny moments are unforgettable moments. When a man tickles your funny bone, you’re more likely to remember him and how good he made you feel.

Therefore, making you laugh is a way for a man to show you that he really enjoys being with you and likes being the reason you’re in a good mood.

Final thoughts

Of course, it would be much easier to know how a man feels, but this is not the case. Humans are more complex. You need to pay attention to the subtle and not-so-subtle clues a man gives you and do your best to discern his intentions.

Honestly, wouldn’t it be more exciting and fun that way?

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harry writes

I am an experienced content writer in the field of spirituality and personal growth. I have a passion for sharing my expertise through the power of words,