The Soto Voce Chronicles: The Shadow of Things to Come

A Delta Force Colonel’s Battle Against an Interstellar Cartel and a Fight for Survival in a Dystopian Future 🌍

Patrick OConnell
15 min readJun 9, 2024


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### Protagonists:

1. **Colonel John Mercer**

- **Role:** Delta Force Officer

- **Description:** Decorated and tactical military leader known for his resilience and strategic brilliance.

- **Motivation:** Protect his daughter and dismantle the forces behind his kidnapping.

2. **Sophie Mercer**

- **Role:** Daughter of Colonel Mercer

- **Description:** A smart and resourceful 14-year-old girl with a keen sense of observation.

- **Motivation:** Stay strong and support her father in their dire circumstances.

3. **Agent Mark Steele**

- **Role:** Soto Voce Operative

- **Description:** A skilled and determined member of the resistance movement.

- **Motivation:** Uncover the truth behind the Colonel’s abduction and expose the hidden syndicate.

4. **Dr. Marcus Reynolds**

- **Role:** Former NASA Scientist, Soto Voce Member

- **Description:** Brilliant scientist with extensive knowledge of extraterrestrial technology.

- **Motivation:** Use his expertise to help rescue Mercer and Sophie, and thwart the Syndicate’s plans.

### Antagonists:

1. **Ivan Petrov**

- **Role:** CEO of Cable13

- **Description:** Cunning and ruthless leader with deep ties to global criminal enterprises.

- **Motivation:** Expand the Syndicate’s influence and profit from interstellar trafficking and technology trade.

2. **The Knights of the Hidden Hand**

- **Role:** Secretive organization operating under the Pentagon’s protection

- **Description:** Enforcers of clandestine operations and protectors of the Dark Shadows Syndicate’s interests.

- **Motivation:** Maintain control over interstellar trade and eliminate any threats to their power.

3. **Dark Shadows Syndicate**

- **Role:** Interstellar criminal cartel

- **Description:** A shadowy network specializing in human trafficking, narcotics, and extraterrestrial technology.

- **Motivation:** Exploit and dominate interstellar markets, using fear and power to expand their reach.

4. **Commander Viktor Makarov**

- **Role:** Leader of the Knights of the Hidden Hand on Diego Garcia

- **Description:** A formidable and strategic commander with a dark past.

- **Motivation:** Ensure the success of the Syndicate’s operations and maintain his authority within the organization.

## **Act I: The Kidnapping**

### **1. Prologue: The Rise of the Soto Voce Movement**

In the wake of growing global tyranny and corruption, the Soto Voce Movement emerged in 2024 CE as a beacon of resistance. Modeled after the courageous White Rose Society of World War II, Soto Voce started as a small but determined grassroots organization. Over the years, it grew into a sophisticated underground network, its members dedicated to fighting against powerful clandestine organizations that sought to control and oppress.

The Movement’s strategies were honed through years of clandestine operations, intelligence gathering, and strategic strikes. By 2034, Soto Voce had become a formidable force, its influence extending across continents and even into the realms of space. The Movement’s motto, “In silence, we find strength,” echoed through the hearts of its members, who believed that meaningful change could only be achieved through calculated and covert actions.

### **2. Fort Patton Incident**

Colonel John Mercer was a decorated officer in the Delta Force, known for his unwavering dedication and tactical brilliance. Stationed at Fort Patton in Quantumville, Colorado, Mercer led a quiet life with his 14-year-old daughter, Sophie. Their life, however, was about to take a dramatic turn.

One crisp evening, as Mercer and Sophie enjoyed a rare moment of relaxation at their home, the doorbell rang. Two men in Cable13 uniforms stood on the porch, claiming to be there for a routine cable maintenance check. Mercer, always cautious, hesitated but eventually allowed them inside after confirming their credentials.

The men, however, were anything but ordinary cable technicians. With precision and speed, they overpowered Mercer, using advanced tech to subdue him. Sophie screamed, but her cries were quickly silenced as she too was captured. The operation was executed with military precision, revealing the brutal efficiency and preparation of the kidnappers.

### **3. Cable13: The Cover Story**

Cable13 was ostensibly a mundane cable installation company, but beneath this facade lay a sinister reality. The company’s CEO and Board of Directors were Russian nationals with deep ties to global criminal enterprises and espionage activities. They had expertly crafted an image of a legitimate business while using it as a cover for their illicit operations.

The kidnapping of Colonel Mercer and his daughter was not a random act but a calculated move orchestrated by the Dark Shadows Syndicate. This powerful and secretive interstellar cartel specialized in human trafficking, narcotics, and the trade of extraterrestrial technology. The Syndicate’s reach extended far beyond Earth, and they used companies like Cable13 to facilitate their operations.

### **4. The Transfer to Diego Garcia**

The kidnappers transported Mercer and Sophie from Colorado to the remote military base on Diego Garcia, located in the Indian Ocean. This base, operated by the Knights of the Hidden Hand, was a fortress of secrets, hidden from the public eye and under the protection of the Pentagon’s Interstellar Trade and Commerce Committee.

As Mercer and Sophie were transported in a heavily guarded vehicle, they could only guess at their captors’ motives. The journey was tense, filled with fear and uncertainty. Mercer, with his military training, remained vigilant, looking for any opportunity to escape, but the odds were against them.

Upon arrival at Diego Garcia, the reality of their situation became clear. The base was a hub for the Knights of the Hidden Hand, an organization with a dark history and a network that spanned the galaxy. The Knights collaborated with various shadowy entities, including the Dark Shadows Syndicate, to maintain control over interstellar trade and illicit activities.

Colonel Mercer’s knowledge of sensitive military secrets made him a valuable asset, and his captors were determined to extract every bit of information they could. Sophie, though young, was not overlooked; her potential as a bargaining chip was too great for the Knights to ignore.

Stay tuned for Act II, where the stakes are raised, alliances are tested, and the fight for survival intensifies.

### Act 2: The Siege of Shadows

**Quantumville, Colorado — February 13, 2034**

Colonel John Mercer and his daughter, Sophie, were held captive in the basement of a nondescript house on the outskirts of Quantumville. The room was cold, damp, and reeked of mildew. John’s military training kicked in; he counted the seconds, analyzed the captors’ routines, and searched for weaknesses. Sophie, only seventeen but sharp as a tack, whispered, “Dad, what do we do?”

“Stay calm, Sophie. Observe and wait. An opportunity will come,” John replied, his voice steady.

**Cable13 Headquarters — Denver, Colorado**

At the heart of Cable13, a shadowy operation was unfolding. Vladimir Ivanov, the CEO, and his accomplice, Dmitri Petrov, orchestrated the abduction from their high-rise office. Their Russian accents were thick as they discussed the next steps.

“Make sure they’re on the plane to Diego Garcia tonight. No mistakes,” Vladimir commanded.

**Diego Garcia — February 14, 2034**

The Colonel and Sophie were drugged and transported to Diego Garcia, an isolated island in the Indian Ocean, known for its strategic military importance. It was also the clandestine base of the Knights of the Hidden Hand. The base buzzed with activity as mercenaries prepared the next phase of the operation.

Colonel Mercer and Sophie were imprisoned in a high-security cell, guarded by heavily armed soldiers. John tested the limits of their captivity, probing for any possible escape route. Sophie, resourceful and determined, managed to smuggle a small piece of metal from her hairpin, which she used to start working on the lock.

**Washington, D.C. — February 15, 2034**

Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., the Pentagon’s Interstellar Trade and Commerce Committee monitored the situation. Senator Rachel Dawes, secretly affiliated with the Soto Voce Movement, grew suspicious of the recent activities of the Knights of the Hidden Hand. Her contact within the movement, Agent Mark Steele, provided her with crucial intel.

“Senator, the Colonel and his daughter are key figures. We can’t let them be taken off-planet,” Steele warned.

“We need to act fast. The Dark Shadows Syndicate must not get their hands on them,” Dawes replied, her voice firm with resolve.

**Diego Garcia — February 16, 2034**

Under the cover of darkness, an elite team of Soto Voce operatives infiltrated Diego Garcia. Led by Captain Sarah Mitchell, a decorated war hero and former Delta Force member, the team aimed to rescue John and Sophie. Using high-tech gadgets and superior tactics, they neutralized guards silently and efficiently.

Inside the cell, Sophie’s persistence paid off as she finally unlocked the door. Just as they were about to escape, they were confronted by a squad of Knights. A fierce firefight ensued, the sound of gunfire echoing through the base.

Captain Mitchell and her team arrived just in time to provide backup. “Colonel Mercer, Sophie, we’re here to get you out!” she shouted over the chaos.

“About time!” John replied, grabbing a fallen guard’s weapon.

**The Escape — February 17, 2034**

The team fought their way through the base, heading towards the extraction point. Helicopters awaited to whisk them to safety. As they boarded, Mitchell radioed Steele, “We have them. Get ready for extraction.”

Just then, Dmitri Petrov, having realized the breach, launched a desperate counterattack. Missiles streaked through the night sky, exploding perilously close to the helicopters. One chopper was hit, spiraling into the ocean below.

“Hold on!” Mitchell yelled as their chopper swerved to avoid the debris.

Sophie clung to her father, her heart pounding. “We’re going to make it, right?”

John squeezed her hand. “We have to.”

The remaining choppers sped away from Diego Garcia, evading the pursuing fighters. The team’s pilot, a seasoned aviator named Hawk, performed evasive maneuvers that would make any thrill-seeker’s heart race.

**Ceres, the Dwarf Planet — February 18, 2034**

Unbeknownst to the rescue team, the Dark Shadows Syndicate was already aware of the attempted extraction. On Ceres, the Syndicate’s leader, a ruthless crime lord known only as “The Shroud,” received word of the operation.

“Prepare for their arrival. Ensure no one leaves Ceres alive,” The Shroud ordered, his voice cold and menacing.

**Space Shuttle — February 19, 2034**

John and Sophie, along with their rescuers, were transferred to a covert space shuttle, their destination: a hidden Soto Voce base on the moon. As they prepared for takeoff, John turned to Captain Mitchell. “What’s our next move?”

“First, we get you both to safety. Then, we bring down the Knights of the Hidden Hand and the Dark Shadows Syndicate,” she replied, her eyes steely with determination.

The shuttle launched into the starry expanse, leaving Earth behind. But the fight was far from over. The shadowy machinations of their enemies loomed large, and the stakes had never been higher.

Don’t miss Act 3 in which the stage is set for a gripping showdown! The rescue mission on Diego Garcia introduces new allies and hints at the greater conspiracy at play. As the characters race against time, the tension builds, setting up an explosive Act 3!

### Act 3: The Final Confrontation

**Moon Base Echo — February 20, 2034**

Colonel John Mercer, Sophie, and their Soto Voce rescuers reached Moon Base Echo, a hidden stronghold of the resistance. The base was a marvel of advanced engineering, nestled in the shadowy craters of the moon, concealed from prying eyes. Inside, a flurry of activity buzzed as operatives prepared for the impending showdown with the Dark Shadows Syndicate.

Senator Rachel Dawes, now on the moon to personally oversee the mission, approached John and Sophie. “Colonel, Sophie, welcome to Echo. We have much to discuss, and little time.”

John nodded. “What’s our next move?”

Dawes’s eyes hardened. “We’re launching a direct assault on Ceres. The Syndicate’s operations end now.”

**Planning the Assault — February 21, 2034**

The next day, in the war room of Moon Base Echo, Captain Sarah Mitchell briefed the team. Holographic projections of Ceres rotated above the table, highlighting key targets. “The Syndicate’s stronghold is heavily fortified. We’ll use stealth to infiltrate and precision strikes to dismantle their operations. Our primary objective: The Shroud.”

Agent Mark Steele added, “Intel suggests The Shroud’s command center is deep within an underground facility. We’ll need to split into two teams: one to create a diversion and the other to execute the extraction.”

John and Sophie listened intently. “We’re in,” John said firmly. Sophie nodded, her resolve matching her father’s.

**The Infiltration — February 22, 2034**

A fleet of sleek, black ships departed Moon Base Echo, hurtling through space toward Ceres. Upon arrival, they navigated the asteroid belt with expert precision, avoiding detection by the Syndicate’s sensors. As the ships approached the surface, the operatives donned their suits and prepared for zero-gravity maneuvers.

Team Alpha, led by Captain Mitchell and including John Mercer, descended into the craggy terrain near the Syndicate’s primary base. They moved swiftly, utilizing advanced cloaking devices to evade patrols. Team Bravo, commanded by Agent Steele and including Sophie, headed towards the secondary entrance, ready to create the necessary diversion.

**Inside the Fortress — February 23, 2034**

Team Alpha infiltrated the base, moving through dimly lit corridors. The air was thick with the metallic tang of machinery and the echo of distant voices. They encountered minimal resistance, taking out guards silently and planting explosives at strategic points. John led the charge, his military expertise invaluable in navigating the hostile environment.

Meanwhile, Team Bravo executed their diversion with precision. Explosions rocked the outer sections of the base, drawing guards away from the command center. Sophie used her hacking skills to disable security systems, providing Team Alpha with a clear path.

As Team Alpha reached the heart of the facility, they confronted a massive reinforced door. “This is it,” Mitchell said, setting charges to breach the entrance.

**The Showdown — February 24, 2034**

The door blew open with a deafening blast, revealing The Shroud’s inner sanctum. The room was bathed in a sinister red light, filled with advanced alien technology and holographic displays. The Shroud, a towering figure shrouded in darkness, turned to face them, a cold smile playing on his lips.

“Welcome, Colonel Mercer. I’ve been expecting you,” The Shroud’s voice was a chilling whisper.

John stepped forward, weapon at the ready. “This ends now.”

A fierce battle erupted. The Shroud’s elite guards, armed with advanced weaponry, poured into the room. Captain Mitchell and her team fought valiantly, their training and determination pushing them forward. John engaged The Shroud in a brutal hand-to-hand combat, their struggle a clash of titans.

Sophie, monitoring from Team Bravo’s position, saw her father in peril. Defying orders, she raced to the command center, arriving just as The Shroud gained the upper hand. With a fierce cry, she lunged at The Shroud, using her small frame to her advantage and disarming him momentarily.

John seized the opportunity, delivering a decisive blow that incapacitated The Shroud. The room fell silent as the remaining guards were subdued.

**Victory and Revelations — February 25, 2034**

With The Shroud captured, the remaining Syndicate operatives surrendered. The Soto Voce Movement quickly dismantled the facility, freeing countless captives and securing valuable intelligence on the Syndicate’s operations.

Senator Dawes, arriving on Ceres to oversee the aftermath, congratulated the team. “You’ve done it. The Dark Shadows Syndicate is finished.”

John embraced Sophie, pride and relief evident in his eyes. “We did it, Sophie.”

Captain Mitchell approached, a rare smile on her face. “This victory is just the beginning. There are more battles ahead, but today, we’ve struck a significant blow against our enemies.”

As they prepared to return to Moon Base Echo, John reflected on the journey. The fight against tyranny was far from over, but with allies like the Soto Voce Movement, hope remained alive.

**The Conclusion — and The Takeaway**

Act 3 delivers a thrilling conclusion to the saga, with high-stakes action, dramatic confrontations, and the promise of future battles. The defeat of The Shroud and the dismantling of the Dark Shadows Syndicate mark a significant victory for the Soto Voce Movement, but the fight for freedom continues!


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This story and the characters are fictitious. However, certain locations, and events that occurred in the past or present, such as wars, other conflicts, various interactions among nations or societies, economic and geopolitical events, long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary.

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I would like to recognize the work of these incredible writers,

Motaz Majed "My To-Do List is Laughing at Me!!!" and Lawson Wallace

whose writing is over the moon — please read them when you can:

My thanks to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz for publishing my article in his stellar Lampshade of Illumination publication!

Link to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz:

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Something to uplift your spirit:

I am here for you! Please listen 2 the 2 songs I created 2 lift YOUR spirit & also let me know your choice of song titles you would like me 2 create 4 you:

Elara’s Song — “Love’s Gentle Refrain”:


The Fellowship of Dreams (TFOD) — The Theme Song of TFOD — aka “Love’s Gentle Refrain”:

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Have you followed Aleph and Omega — The protagonists in my short story fictional series “The Fellowship of Dreams”?

Don’t miss the latest chapter (written in the style of #Tom Clancy):

The latest chapter –

Located at Lampshade of Illumination — is here:

Aleph and Omega go undercover in Cairo to infiltrate the Serpent Syndicate, a criminal organization planning to exploit the city’s secrets-Sands of Betrayal in the City of Shadows — Part 23-Aleph and Omega Go to Cairo, Egypt

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But wait — there’s more: Don’t Miss:

Don’t miss the latest chapter of my novel — that I have serialized in Lampshade of Illumination (a Medium Publication), “Abalon Rising — The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis — The Quest for Balance” -

My latest installment:

Seeking the Sage’s Wisdom

Part 1-Ch 10-Abalon Rising: The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis — Quest for Balance

Elara Seeks the Help of the Wizard of All-Knowing

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And Last — But Not Least- Don’t miss the latest installment of my fantasy fiction series:

“The Soto Voce Resistance Movement — A Clear and Present Danger to the Status Quo?”

My latest installment:

Paw Prints of Dissent: A non-violent resistance movement uses clever tactics to fight oppression in the shadows

Part 3 Act 2 — The Soto Voce Movement — A Clear and Present Danger to the Status Quo?

Echoes in the Datastream

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ALSO — You may find some ideas for a blog post in any of the PDF files at the following URL — An archive of copies of a ‘zine that my wife, Joan and I published from 1977–1984. Unfortunately, upon her death in August 1984, I had to discontinue publication of this quarterly publication:

Detailed info on the ‘zine and my late wife- is here — though it does not mention that she was a published author during her life journey on our beloved planet:



Patrick OConnell

I embrace only AuthenticEngagement! - Writer4Reciprocal&FollwerBoosterHub-Editor4ILLUMINATION Pubs-Top Writer in Ideas! My Portfolio: