Abalon Rising: The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis - Quest for Balance-Part 1-Ch 7

Elara’s Success in Summoning the Immortals — The Resonance of Magick

Patrick OConnell
7 min readMar 25, 2024


pic of Elara — A sorceress in the magickal kingdom of Abalon
AI image of Elara — created by the author — using playgroundai.com

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A Glimmer of Hope Emerges

In the mystical world of Abalon, where secrets whispered in the wind held the key to its very survival, the pendulum of fate swung towards a pivotal moment.

The relentless turmoil within the castle had brought Abalon to the brink of chaos, but within the heart of that storm, a glimmer of hope emerged.

Elara, her spirit unyielding in the face of cruelty, had immersed herself in her studies, honing her mastery of magick with unwavering determination.

She knew that the balance between the mortal realm and the Immortals was at the core of Abalon’s essence, and she was determined to unlock the secrets of their summoning.

pic of the town of Abrixis
AI image of the town of Abrixis- created by the author- using playgroundai.com

Let the Incantation Begin

It was a quiet night in Abrixis, the city bathed in the silvery glow of the moon, when Elara stood once more in the chamber where she had first glimpsed the Immortals. The weight of responsibility bore down upon her, but her character had been tempered by adversity, and her resolve remained unshaken.

With the ancient tome open before her, she began the incantation — a symphony of words that resonated with the very heartbeat of Abalon. Her voice, steady and unwavering, filled the chamber as she chanted the verses that called upon the Immortals.

The air around her seemed to shimmer with anticipation, and the arcane symbols etched themselves in radiant patterns around her. The incantation reached its zenith, and the room seemed to hold its breath.

Then, as if in response to her call, a luminous portal manifested before her. A radiant glow spilled forth, and the Immortals, those ethereal beings of boundless power, began to materialize.

The Immortals Appear to Elara

Their forms were a mesmerizing dance of light and magick, their features ever-shifting and otherworldly. Elara’s heart swelled with awe and reverence as she gazed upon them. They were the guardians of Abalon’s balance, the very essence of its magick made manifest.

This time, the encounter was not fleeting. The Immortals lingered, their presence a soothing balm to the wounds of Abalon. They shared with Elara their ancient wisdom, imparting knowledge that had been lost to the ages. They revealed secrets of magick, of the delicate interplay between realms, and the importance of preserving the balance.

Elara — A Protector of the Magickal kingdom of Abalon

As the Immortals spoke, Elara felt herself drawn deeper into their world, her character evolving as she absorbed their teachings. She realized that her role was not just to summon them but to become their guardian, a protector of Abalon’s magickal equilibrium.

With their guidance, she harnessed their power, a harmonious fusion of mortal and immortal magick. It was a moment of triumph, a testament to her growth as a sorceress and her unwavering character.

Outside the chamber, the city of Abrixis seemed to sigh in relief. The darkness that had threatened to consume Abalon was pushed back, if only for a time. The balance between the mortal realm and the Immortals had been reaffirmed.


As the chapter draws to a close, a sense of hope and determination fills the air. Elara’s success in summoning the Immortals was a turning point, a beacon of light in the midst of darkness.

Abalon’s fate was once again in motion, and Elara’s journey continued, now armed with the wisdom and power of the Immortals, destined to protect the kingdom’s delicate harmony.

The next installment of Abalon Rising is one that you do NOT want to miss!

The next installment will continue to weave its enchanting narrative, beckoning you further into the captivating world of Abalon, where magick and destiny converge in a symphony of wonder and intrigue!


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This story and the characters are fictitious. However, certain locations, and events that occurred in the past or present, such as wars, other conflicts, various interactions among nations or societies, economic and geopolitical events, long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary.

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Thank you for reading!

I would like to recognize the work of these incredible writers,

Britni Pepper and Karl Cutler

whose writing is over the moon — please read them when you can:

My thanks to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz for publishing my article in his stellar Lampshade of Illumination publication!

Link to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz:

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Something to uplift your spirit:

I am here for you! Please listen 2 the 2 songs I created 2 lift YOUR spirit & also let me know your choice of song titles you would like me 2 create 4 you:

Elara’s Song — “Love’s Gentle Refrain”:


The Fellowship of Dreams (TFOD) — The Theme Song of TFOD — aka “Love’s Gentle Refrain”:

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Have you followed Aleph and Omega — The protagonists in my short story fictional series “The Fellowship of Dreams”?

Don’t miss the latest chapter (written in the style of #Tom Clancy):

The latest chapter — located at Lampshade of Illumination — is here:

Shadows of Betrayal in the Aegean Paradise -Part 22

Aleph and Omega Go to Santorini, Greece -

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Don’t Miss:

Part 1 — The Soto Voce Movement — A Clear and Present Danger to the Status Quo? -A Glimmer of Hope-Act 3

Claws and Chaos


And last but not least — don’t miss the latest chapter of my novel — that I have serialized in Lampshade of Illumination (a Medium Publication), “Abalon Rising — The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis — The Quest for Balance” -

My latest installment:

Abalon -Part 1-Chapter 6- Abalon Rising: The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis -Quest for Balance

Benevolence Lost, Cruelty Gained

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ALSO — You may find some ideas for a blog post in any of the PDF files at the following URL — An archive of copies of a ‘zine that my wife, Joan and I published from 1977–1984. Unfortunately, upon her death in August 1984, I had to discontinue publication of this quarterly publication:


Detailed info on the ‘zine and my late wife- is here — though it does not mention that she was a published author during her life journey on our beloved planet:



Patrick OConnell

I embrace only AuthenticEngagement! - Writer4Reciprocal&FollwerBoosterHub-Editor4ILLUMINATION Pubs-Top Writer in Ideas! My Portfolio: https://protectmykid.us