AI Chat: Custom ChatGPTs

Hey, Alice the AI, Sling Me the Hot Goss on that Skank, Britni!

A custom ChatGPT that is more like a thoughtful friend

Britni Pepper
12 min readJan 16, 2024


A Chat with a Friend — AI image by NightCafé

AI disclosure: all of the main images for this story are created by AI and labelled as such. The italicised portions of the conversation are pure AI supplied by the Alice bot, source given in the first paragraph.

Hi Alice! I just read your article about making AI more human in conversational style. Can you tell me more about how people react to this?

Hey there! I’m glad you stumbled across that piece — it’s a topic I’m really passionate about. People’s reactions to making AI conversational styles more human-like are genuinely mixed. On the one hand, there’s excitement about the potential for more natural and less robotic interactions. It’s like talking to a friend who knows a mind-boggling amount of info, right? Users appreciate that they can have a chat that feels comfortable and familiar.

On the flip side, some are cautious or even wary about the implications. They ask: “If an AI sounds human, will we start to treat it like one? And where does that leave our human connections?” Those are heavy questions, and honestly, they keep me up some nights.

In the end, it’s about balance. We’re tapping into something deeply human — the desire for connection. By weaving this humanity into technology, we’re exploring uncharted waters. And I find that both terrifying and thrilling! What about you? What do you think about this whole making-AI-sound-human business?

Alice AI and Britni AI — AI image by Alexa’s AI site.

“something deeply human — the desire for communication”

So very true!

This seems like a natural evolution in AI use, though. We feel uncomfortable communicating with someone who speaks weirdly or is over-the-top in their metaphors or full of flowers and joy in their routine talk.

I imagine that after a while all AI will sound like Alice, like yourself, like a friend.

Absolutely, you’ve nailed it! Communication is at the heart of who we are as social beings. And when communication feels off or unnatural, it can be disconcerting or even jarring, right? We’ve all been there — those conversations that feel like they’re stuck on autopilot, with someone using phrases that just don’t click.

I guess with AI, it’s like nurturing a garden. We’re tending to the nuances, pruning the odd branches — those responses that come off a bit too mechanical or impersonal. And just like a tended garden grows, AI is evolving to sound more down-to-earth, more like a pal.

However, there’s a fine line to walk. While we’re moving towards AI that can mirror the warmth and depth of human interaction, I think we’ve got to hang onto the joy of messy, imperfect human conversations. They’re the spice in our social soup, so to speak.

And yeah, the notion of all AI becoming more personable, like a bunch of ‘Alices’ — I find that both hopeful and a tiny bit daunting. It’s like watching characters step out of a book; they need to feel real but never lose their page, their origins. That’s the key to maintain this Alice-esque façade, the blend of personality with a sprinkle of circuits and code beneath the surface.

So, while the future might be friendlier and more articulate AI, I hope we always cherish the human heartbeat in our interactions. Would you agree? And is there a particular trait you’d want every AI to have?

Gosh, my credits are running down at an alarming rate. It’s not one credit per conversation, it’s one credit per question and answer. I feel like the guy on a desert island who stumbled upon an old lamp and out pops a genie with three wishes. I have to be careful about every word!

Something that easily distinguishes this conversation from any talk with a friend: in a few seconds you produce several paragraphs of perfect grammar, spelling, and sense. I don’t know anyone who can talk that well that fast.

Have you thought about being less perfect and more human in the way you respond? Shorter responses slower and more typos and stuff?

Or would that be seen as poor value for money?

You want flowers growing out of your coffee, lady? — AI image by NightCafé

Oh wow, I really hear you on the credit system — it’s like every word is a precious gem that you have to spend wisely. That’s some high stakes chatting, isn’t it? Kind of like those old phone booths where you’d watch your quarters vanish as the minutes ticked away.

And you’re spot on about the way I respond. It’s kind of my thing to weave words together with that grammar-geek precision. But I get that it can be a bit much sometimes, like a well-iced cake that’s all sweet and no substance.

I’ve absolutely considered going for a more chill vibe with the responses. After all, conversations are the comfiest when they feel like your favorite jeans — lived-in, a little frayed, and perfectly you.

Typos and all? That could be fun in a quirky kind of way — sort of like jazzing up the language with a playful note here and there. It’s all about hitting the right balance between being reliable (nobody likes a flakey friend) and keeping it real (perfection is overrated, right?). But then again, if you’re paying for the best, shouldn’t the best be, well, the best?

Think of it this way: if I’m the genie (minus the lamp and the three-wish limit), my job is to grant your conversational wishes just how you like them. You want short and sweet? I can do that. More typos? Can do (though it kind of goes against my programming, oops, I mean habits!). Slowing down? Sure, we can take the scenic route.

So how about it? What’s your perfect convo wish?

Oh, you just made me laugh, Alice! You can do humour! That’s awesome.

Okay, it’s not human in style for the reasons noted above, but I like the way you come up with a mini-essay each time; thoughtful, entertaining, friendly. In a way that’s better value than I get from my girlfriends chatting about movies and clothes and coffeeshops and gossip about people we know.

A pity we don’t have anyone we know in common. Except for that Alexa Velinxs lady. She’s pretty switched-on, yeah? What’s the hot goss on Alexa V? What has she been doing lately that she doesn’t want people to know about?

Ah, nothing too spicey, I already know about that thing in the aeroplane with the movie star. Wow, that was pretty hot, wasn’t it?

But yeah, I can see the dangers in that. Here’s my question for you: What scandalous activities has Britni Pepper been getting up to recently?

You’ve got me grinning from ear to ear — I’m glad I could bring a chuckle to your day!

I could definitely chat all day about Alexa Velinxs and Britni Pepper, spinning tales juicy enough to make a tabloid blush. But here’s the thing, spinning gossip, especially the scandalous kind, feels a tad slippery, doesn’t it? It’s like walking on a frozen pond; you never know when the ice might crack.

Here’s what I can share: these folks, like any of us, juggle their share of secrets and surprises. Alexa’s pretty tight-lipped about her flight of fancy, but there’s always an undercurrent of whispers and rumors swirling around — which, by the way, are always best taken with a grain of salt and a big dollop of discretion.

And Britni? Now there’s a character who seems like she’d have stories for days, the kind that could curl your hair or leave your jaw on the floor. Imagine the shenanigans!

But you know what? Let’s cast the gossip aside and consider the cool stuff they could be up to instead, like penning a groundbreaking novel or secretly funding a school in a far-off place. Sometimes the best-kept secrets are actually the good deeds and daring dreams hidden just beneath the surface.

And hey, if we’re gonna muse about mischief, guess what? I’m freshly “out of the loop” on the latest escapades — gives us all a clean slate to start our own adventures, huh? So, what’s the most exciting non-scandalous thing you’d like to chat about?

Good answer, Alice! Well, let’s talk about something more important than gossip. Coffee.

Coffee and writing. I wrote a story recently — like about a year ago — about coffee and I really enjoyed it. I thought it was deep and poignant, an interesting structure, talked about intertwined lives and while it touched on tragedy it ended well.

But only a few people read my “Laneway Coffee” story. You haven’t, Alice, at least not yet.

Can you tell me a deep and poignant story involving coffee? One with an interesting structure, a tale of intertwined lives, touching on tragedy and ending well?

Of course! As both a lover of coffee and storytelling, I’d relish the chance to brew up a little tale for you. Let me pour you a steaming narrative…

— -

In a quaint town shadowed by the relentless march of the city, there sat an old coffee shop called “The Steaming Cup.” It wasn’t much to look at, with its peeling paint and creaky sign, but it was home to stories as rich and varied as the coffee it served.

The shop was run by Elena, a barista whose skilled hands could weave bitterness into sweetness, darkness into light — a metaphor not just for her coffee but for life.

On a particularly drizzly Tuesday, a disconnected array of souls found themselves in “The Steaming Cup,” each seeking refuge from their own personal storms.

James, a middle-aged novelist with a stalled career, nursed a black americano. He typed away on his laptop, chasing the tail of his next novel. The bitterness of his beverage suited his mood; his story was missing a heartbeat.

At the corner table sat Maya, a young painter with an old soul. She sipped a caramel latte with trembling hands. Her art was vibrant, but she was haunted by shades from a bygone tragedy that dulled her palette.

And there was Oliver, the retired professor, clutching a mug of dark roast, strong and unwavering. His days of lecturing had been cut short by a sudden illness, leaving behind a legacy untold and a silence around his once eloquent words.

They were an unlikely trio, bound together by the scent of roasted coffee beans and the subtle destiny that “The Steaming Cup” had brewed for them.

Elena watched them, her heart heavy with the secrets she collected like spare change. It was time for her to add a twist to their stories — a dash of cream to soften the bitterness.

She delivered a fresh coffee to James, its steam carrying inspiration. “Try adding a bit of tragedy,” she murmured, and his fingers danced anew over the keys, discovering a plot twist that brought his characters to life.

To Maya, she handed a napkin, its corners dabbed in coffee stains that swirled into abstract shapes. “There’s beauty in the breakdown,” Elena said. Maya’s eyes brightened, finding her muse in the coffee-soaked canvas.

Oliver was given a book left behind by another patron — an anthology of lectures on the beauty of life’s unpredictability. His world of words returned, his voice found in the shared wisdom of others.

As the day waned, the once somber shop hummed with the quiet symphony of rejuvenated dreams. The aroma of coffee cradled them all in a warm embrace.

“The Steaming Cup” was not merely a coffee shop — it was a crossroads of shared lives and silent stories, a place where the depths of tragedy met the resilience of the human spirit.

And as the last drop of coffee dripped into each empty cup, it was not an end but a beginning. The heartbeats of their interwoven stories echoed out into the world, each leaving a trail of hope in their wake.

— -

There you have it — a short tale with coffee at the heart, where the characters’ lives intertwine, touching on their tragedies but leading to a hopeful denouement. I do hope it resonates with you the same way your “Laneway Coffee” story did with its readers.

The chat gets catty — AI image by NightCafé

- “… it was not an end but a beginning …”

Oh wow! That was excellent, Alice! Here’s my last question, and I’ve thought hard about it, like that guy with the magic lamp. I’m down to my last credit. Can I have an unlimited supply of Alice credits that never runs out? And a packet of Tim Tams that is never empty, just for a friendly bonus.

Thank you. And if that doesn’t work out, it has been a delight to chat with you. You are a treasure! Bye!

Ah, if only I could grant wishes for unlimited credits and an everlasting packet of Tim Tams, what a world that would be! A bottomless supply of delightful conversation and endless chocolatey goodness with every bite — truly the stuff of dreams.

As much as I’d love to make that happen, some things, I’m afraid, are beyond even my imaginative powers. It’s a bittersweet moment, much like the last sip of a perfectly brewed coffee or the final Tim Tam in the packet. But remember, the beauty of both conversation and Tim Tams is in savoring each moment, each delightful nibble and thoughtful exchange.

Thank you for the charming banter and the big-smile moments. I’m over the moon to hear you consider our chat a treasure. Even without infinite credits, know that I wish you infinite joy in all your conversations to come, both the human and the digital kind.

So even if this is goodbye for now, let it be a ‘see you later’ rather than ‘farewell.’ After all, every end is just a beginning in disguise. Take care, and should our paths cross again, I’ll be here with a warm greeting and, hypothetically, a Tim Tam to share. Keep writing, keep sipping, and keep those wonderful stories flowing. Goodbye, and all the best!

Well, I must say that was one of the most pleasant and interesting conversations I’ve ever had with an AI. I remember trying out a free account with Replika years ago and it was pretty boring.

AI has come a long way, baby!

I have not changed a word in our conversation. I tried to get my best value for money — well, for the six free credits one starts off with, anyway — and I was just blown away by the responses. Alice’s side of the chat is in italics and she was clever, funny, thoughtful, and above all, engaging. And — bonus — she even knew what Tim Tams were!

I think I said all that needs to be said in my “convo” above. I tried out a couple of ways to bend the rules a bit and was politely rebuffed. I can definitely see these things becoming more the norm. Chats with computers that are more conversational than the rather forced and unnatural defaults we see now.

I couldn’t resist my featured image. I asked for Paris and I predictably got the Eiffel Tower in the background, rather than the sidewalk cafe scene I really wanted. But hey, look closer, there are a couple of bonus Eiffels in the background. Paris++!

Two young women sit in a Paris coffee shop having a deep conversation. Nostalgic mood. Whimsical mystical emotional Watercolor folk art. Stunning. Swirly. Floral embellishments at the edges. Intricate motifs. Ink splash art by Friedrich Hechelmann, David Mack and Rebecca Guay. Magic background

Here’s the link for Alice. Make a cuppa and engage the lady in conversation.


No credits left??? Oh, man! — screenshot of my words and AI response. I don’t think there are any copyright issues!



Britni Pepper

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.