An “English Please” Explanation For How ChatGPT Works

Nana Bonsu
4 min readAug 17, 2023


Unveiling the Explanation You’ve Always Craved for This Astonishing Technology

The ChatGPT King by Cade Metz

ChatGPT. This AI chatbot that we can't get enough of has become almost the holy grail of modern technology. This computer program can understand regular human language on almost any topic and generate an answer that keeps making us ask if it's secretly human. (if it is, that human can type at light speed!!)

But seriously, how does a computer program manage to chat with us like it’s sipping virtual coffee and sharing digital gossip?

Let's take a peek behind the code to truly understand how ChatGPT works.

ChatGPT- Exposed

At its core, ChatGPT is a form of AI, more specifically its a language model.

AI stands for artificial intelligence which is the ability of computers to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence such as detecting speech and finding objects in images.

But what’s a language model? (Is it on a digital runway? If so, I wanna see it work it!!)

A language model is basically a computer program that understands natural language(human language) by analyzing text data to provide word predictions. But what does that really mean?



Nana Bonsu

Mobile Developer | Technology Enthusiast | I love writing about human behavior and the immigrant experience