Asset Tokenization

A Game-Changer in the World of Investing

Wilson jack
5 min readSep 18, 2023


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

In a world where blockchain technology continually pushes the boundaries of traditional finance, asset tokenization emerges as a game-changer across various industries. From real estate and franchises to renewable energy and the glitzy streets of Hollywood, tokenization has the potential to reshape how we conduct business and investments.

The concept of asset tokenization has captured the imagination of financial experts and investors alike. In 2019, the renowned investment banking giant, BNY Mellon, highlighted its capacity to “dramatically change the dynamic” of investing, unlocking opportunities previously deemed unattainable.

Real Estate Tokenization: A Paradigm Shift

Real estate serves as a prime example. Tokenizing properties can democratize ownership by allowing individuals to purchase fractional shares of a property. The recent turbulence in global markets underscores the importance of diversification, yet the exorbitant costs associated with real estate have historically deterred many from this asset class.

How does real estate tokenization work?

The conventional process of purchasing a home, often drawn-out and paper-heavy, can take up to six months to complete. Tokenization of Real Estate promises to expedite these transactions while enhancing trust and transparency. The resultant increase in liquidity could potentially revitalize the real estate market, rendering transactions more seamless.

Tokenization Beyond Real Estate

The influence of asset tokenization extends to various sectors. Consider franchising, a popular method for expanding brands such as McDonald’s, Subway, and Chick-fil-A. However, the steep entry costs, which can reach up to $5 million, deter many aspiring entrepreneurs. Tokenization’s fractional ownership model eliminates these barriers, offering advantages for all participants.

In the realm of crowdfunding, blockchain technology can broaden the pool of potential investors, augmenting liquidity. This innovation can be particularly transformative in funding expensive infrastructure projects, especially in the renewable energy sector, aiding in the fight against carbon emissions and potentially reducing household bills.

Hollywood has also embraced tokenization, allowing passionate fans to invest in their favorite film productions and music rights. This trend liberates content creators from the grip of record labels and movie studios, granting them creative autonomy. Notably, Mila Kunis’ animated series, Stoner Cats, sold out within 35 minutes through NFT-backed tokenization.

Navigating the Challenges

Despite its immense potential, asset tokenization faces regulatory hurdles and a lack of global cohesion in frameworks. These challenges have slowed its widespread adoption. This is where platforms like Brickken enter the picture. Similar to Shopify for e-commerce, Brickken empowers businesses to create their customized Token Store, simplifying tokenization.

Brickken’s primary focus is on real estate tokenization. Leveraging blockchain technology facilitates fractional ownership, making real estate investments more accessible and transparent. Investors can acquire tokens representing a share of a property’s value, opening new doors for liquidity and inclusivity.

Beyond real estate, Brickken enables companies to tokenize equity and debt instruments, revolutionizing capital-raising methods. This approach offers startups and established firms increased access to capital, fostering a more inclusive investment ecosystem.

Additionally, Brickken addresses the capital limitations in renewable energy projects by tokenizing them, promoting fractional ownership and accessibility. Investors can now purchase fractional shares, breaking financial barriers and supporting sustainability initiatives.

Simplifying Asset Tokenization

Brickken hailed as a no-code solution, offers a global network of partners to guide clients throughout their asset fractionalization journey. A pivotal component of this ecosystem is Brickken’s native token, BKN, granting users access to a range of services and perks.

In a bid to make tokenization more accessible, Brickken is launching its Token Issuer Academy. This comprehensive resource equips individuals and businesses with the knowledge and tools necessary for successful enterprise tokenization. By leveraging the Brickken Token Suite, participants can harness the potential of blockchain and decentralized finance.

While asset tokenization may not have reached mainstream adoption, it already showcases compelling instances where it adds substantial value to people’s lives. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, asset tokenization is poised to transform the investment landscape across industries.

How to Launch Your Own Asset Tokenization Platform?

In an ever-evolving world of finance and investment, asset tokenization has emerged as a true game-changer. From real estate to renewable energy, the possibilities seem limitless. If you’re intrigued by the potential of considering Launching your own Asset Tokenization Platform, here’s a glimpse into the exciting realm you’re about to enter.

Unlocking Opportunities with Asset Tokenization

Asset tokenization, powered by blockchain technology, has the power to reshape investment landscapes. It allows you to transform tangible assets, such as real estate or even pieces of art, into digital tokens. These tokens represent ownership or shares in the underlying asset, making it easier for a wider range of investors to participate.

Real Estate Tokenization: A Leading Example

Real estate tokenization is a prime illustration of this transformative concept. It enables fractional ownership of properties, breaking down the traditionally high barriers to entry in the real estate market. Aspiring investors can purchase fractional shares, opening up opportunities that were previously out of reach.

Building Your Asset Tokenization Platform

So, you’re ready to embark on your journey into the world of asset tokenization? Here are some key steps to consider:

1. In-Depth Market Research: Understand your target audience and the specific assets you plan to tokenize. What are the regulatory requirements in your jurisdiction? Comprehensive market research is the foundation of a successful platform.

2. Technology Stack: Choose the right blockchain technology that aligns with your goals. Ethereum, for instance, is a popular choice for tokenization due to its smart contract capabilities.

3. Legal Compliance: Navigate the complex regulatory landscape. Seek legal counsel to ensure your platform adheres to local and international regulations, especially in the financial and securities sectors.

4. User-Friendly Interface: Develop a user-friendly platform that simplifies the tokenization process for both asset owners and investors. Accessibility is key to attracting a broad user base.

5. Security: Implement robust security measures to protect the integrity of your platform and the assets tokenized on it. Security breaches can be catastrophic.

6. Marketing and Partnerships: Build a strong marketing strategy to attract asset owners and investors. Collaborate with industry partners to expand your platform’s reach.

7. Education: Educate your users about asset tokenization. Many may be new to the concept, so providing educational resources is crucial.

Embracing the Future with Asset Tokenization

As you embark on this exciting venture, remember that asset tokenization is not just a trend; it’s a glimpse into the future of finance and investment. By launching your own asset tokenization platform, you can empower individuals to participate in asset ownership like never before. It’s a journey filled with innovation and opportunities, and the potential rewards are limitless. So, take that first step towards launching your own asset tokenization platform and be part of the financial revolution.



Wilson jack

Experienced blockchain technical writer with expertise in creating engaging content on Decentralized Technologies, Metaverse, NFTs, and industry trends.