AI Curation: Bonus 21 February 2024

Beyond the Binary: AI and the Future of Storytelling

AI examines its soul

Britni Pepper
3 min readFeb 20, 2024


An AI summary of The Last Storytellers: Will AI Rewrite Our Stories? by Alexa Velinxs

A dynamic and visually engaging illustration that captures the essence of collaboration between human creativity and AI in storytelling.

Mate, there’s a fair bit of yarn spinning about the rise of AI in the creative world, and it’s got a lot of us — writers, artists, musos — pretty spooked about whether we’re about to be shoved out of the gig by some brainy algorithm.

It’s not just about the worry of losing our jobs or being edged out as the top dogs of creativity in our own era. Nah, it’s deeper than that. It’s about that cold shiver down your spine when you think about what it really means to create, to be human, and chucking that in the face of something that doesn’t even know what a sunset feels like. But here’s the kicker: the real fear is of the unknown, what’s lurking just outside our cozy campfire circle, where our tales end and something else — something not human — picks up the storytelling baton.

Then there’s this other perspective, right? Instead of viewing AI as the big bad wolf at the door ready to blow the house down, how about seeing it as a mate to yarn with — a collaboration that might just add a bit of spice to the stories we tell. AI’s not here to nick our jobs but to chuck us a new set of…



Britni Pepper

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.