Do You Know the Trolls of Medium?

Not all trolls live under bridges


Photo Created by Dall-E-3

Author’s Note — I created this poem with the help of AI. I initially planned to create a poem about trolls arguing with each other, but I changed it to focus on the different trolls on Medium. I also listed the different prompts I used at the end. I hope you enjoy it!

In the sprawling world of Medium, where thoughts and stories blend,
Linger trolls beneath the surface, seeking mischief to extend.
Each with a unique approach, to sow discord and dismay,
Their antics disrupt the peace, in their own peculiar way.

First comes the clapper, silent as the night,
Applauds without reading, then vanishes from sight.
A phantom of engagement, leaving writers in a bind,
Wondering if their words have truly resonated or declined.

Then there’s the clone master, a trickster through and through,
Creating mirrored accounts, confusion to ensue.
They slide into Whatsapp, spreading their deceit,
A tangled web they weave, with every message they complete.

The follow-for-follow troll, promises of support they sing,
“Let’s lift each other up!” yet they don’t mean a thing.
Once the follow is secured, off they go, a vanishing trick,
Leaving a trail of empty connections, thin and slick.

Enter the AI commenter, with responses so precise,
They skim and summarize, but their words are cold as ice.
“Interesting points made here,” their automated voice might say,
Lacking the warmth of engagement, in a most conspicuous way.

Don’t forget the angry commenter, spewing venom and spite,
Their words designed to wound, to darken the light.
A barrage of negativity, aimed to distress,
Turning comment sections into a battleground mess.

Amidst these nefarious deeds, the get-rich-quick troll boasts,
Of wealth and success, they’re the most egregious hosts.
“Succeed with my methods!” they claim with a grin,
Yet the only wealth they amass is from those taken in.

But fear not, for there’s a way, to combat these trolls’ spree,
A tactic so effective, it’s done with glee.
Blocking them’s a joy, a click here and there,
Watch them disappear, into the digital air.

So when trolls try to dampen the spirits of the day,
Remember, with a chuckle, you can send them on their way.
Block and move on, with a laugh and a sigh,
In the world of Medium, our spirits remain high.

For every troll that lurks, seeking to disrupt and annoy,
There’s a community of writers, sharing stories of joy.
Let’s keep our humor handy, as we write and we roam,
In the vast, lively halls of Medium, our digital home.

I used a few prompts to get these results.

Original Prompt — Create a funny poem about Medium. The main characters are trolls. These trolls do a variety of malicious activities, such as clapping and running without reading articles, cloning accounts, asking for follow-backs, writing AI comments, and selling Medium courses promising you to get rich quick.

Afterward, I made a few tweaks to make it rhyme and flow better. I also experimented with different prompts for the image to get the right look for the poem.

I think we can all relate to these trolls on Medium, and I hope you enjoy it!



Creative Works (Marcus Musick)

I'm using this account to publish a wide range of stories with the help of AI. I also love to read and get new ideas.