Embracing the Boundless Potential of HI (Human Intelligence) in the Age of AI

The enduring brilliance of Human Intelligence: Why it continues to amaze and inspire

Devalère T KAMGUIA
4 min readJul 30, 2023


Photo by Andrei Popescu on Unsplash

In an age where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technological advancements dominate headlines, it is easy to get swept away by the wonders of modern innovation. Yet, amidst the awe-inspiring capabilities of machines, it is essential not to overlook the power of HI (Human Intelligence). This age-old phenomenon continues to amaze and inspire, demonstrating its superiority over technology in ways that can leave us in awe.

From outsmarting Google Maps with a simple yet ingenious approach to the unparalleled complexity of the human brain, the strength of human intelligence knows no bounds. As we delve into the realms of AI and marvel at the ingenuity of machines, it is crucial to revisit the timeless discussion of the incredible potential and irreplaceable problem-solving skills that lie within the human mind. Join us on this journey as we celebrate the enduring brilliance of human intelligence and its remarkable contributions to shaping the world we live in today.

1️⃣Human Intelligence Surpasses Technology

The anecdote of a man outsmarting Google Maps with a clever tactic involving mobile phones highlights how human intelligence can still outperform even the most advanced technologies.

Indeed, a video show a man fooled Google Maps. He had carried 99 mobile phones with him; and as a result, traffic had to slow down.

YouTube — Simon Weckert

Always recognize the immense strength and potential of human intelligence.

2️⃣The Complexity of the Human Brain

Intrigued by the enigma of the human brain, researchers and thinkers have embarked on a ceaseless quest to delve deeper into its mysteries. The brain’s vast neural network, with its 100 billion interconnected neurons, presents an astonishing feat of biological engineering. Each neuron forms connections with an astounding 10,000 other neurons, creating an intricate web of communication and information processing.

Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku said:

The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10,000 other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.

As our understanding of neuroscience advances, we come to realize that the human brain orchestrates an orchestra of thoughts, emotions, and actions, orchestrating the symphony of life itself. However, for all our technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs, the brain’s complexity remains humbling, leaving us in awe of nature’s ingenuity.

Throughout history, the greatest minds have grappled with the brain’s intricacies, hoping to unlock the secrets to human consciousness and cognition. Yet, with each revelation, we come to understand that the brain’s capabilities surpass our current comprehension.

3️⃣Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Unlike machines, human intelligence encompasses emotional intelligence and empathy, allowing us to understand and connect with one another on a deeper level. Our ability to comprehend emotions and respond with compassion is a fundamental aspect of being human.

4️⃣Adaptability and Flexibility

Humans possess the remarkable capacity to adapt to various situations and environments, showcasing the resilience of human intelligence. Our ability to learn from experiences and adjust our strategies makes us highly adaptable beings.

5️⃣The Genesis of Artificial Intelligence

According to Ray (2018) “a machine which could converse with humans for performing specific task without knowledge of humans that they are interacting with machine is designated as intelligent peace of machine”. The term “Artificial Intelligence” came into practice after Dartmouth Conference organised by John McCarthy in 1956 at United States. Along with McCarthy, Allen Newell and Herbert Simon are known instrumental scientists who used and propagate the term around the world. According to Ray, John McCarthy is often known as the father of artificial intelligence — The book TRANSCENDING TECHNOLOGY

Acknowledging that human intelligence has given birth to artificial intelligence, the reference to John McCarthy as the “Father of Artificial Intelligence” underlines the pivotal role of human ingenuity in technological advancements.

6️⃣Complex Problem Solving

Human intelligence excels in tackling multifaceted problems that require critical thinking and creativity. The process of combining information, experiences, and insights leads to innovative solutions. The statement stresses the irreplaceable nature of human problem-solving skills, setting us apart from machines.

7️⃣Diversity of Thought

Human intelligence thrives on the diversity of thought, experiences, and perspectives. Our individuality enriches the collective wisdom of humanity and fosters a vibrant exchange of ideas.

In Conclusion

Amidst the wonders of AI, we must never overlook the enduring brilliance of Human Intelligence (HI). From outsmarting technology to the complexity of our brains, HI’s adaptability, problem-solving skills, and emotional depth set us apart. As the creators of AI, let’s cherish and harness the power of HI to shape a brighter and inclusive future, where knowledge and progress know no bounds. Together, HI and AI pave the way for an inspiring journey that continues to captivate generations.



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Devalère T KAMGUIA

I'm a full-stack developer with 7+ years of experience. Technologie Angular, VueJS, Java, J2ee, Spring, Sprint Boot, Sprint Batch, Ionic, flutter, PHP, Symfony.