AI Curation: 28 February 2024

Finding Truth

Can AI help us understand ourselves better?

Duncan Klein


AI disclosure: this story was entirely written and illustrated by AI apart from quotes, some commentary, and minor stylistic modifications.

I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams. — AI image by NightCafé

My Amazing Conversation with Claude AI

by Jan C. McLarty

This conversation offers a fascinating dive into the nature of consciousness. It begins with inquiries about the possibility of channeling and how such a phenomenon could function. The AI (Claude), trained with conventional scientific paradigms, initially approaches the subject with skepticism. However, through the exchange, Claude shows an evolving openness to ideas from quantum physics and the HeartMath Institute, which explore non-traditional models of consciousness.

Main Points

  • Clash of Paradigms: The conversation reveals the contrast between the conventional scientific view, which sees consciousness as a product of the brain, and more esoteric views that posit a universal consciousness field from which thoughts and intuitions can be drawn.
  • The Role of Imagination: Both the human and AI highlight the vital role of imagination, not only in proposing speculative theories, but also in shaping our shared consensus reality. There’s a fluid boundary where what was once considered fringe becomes widely accepted truth.
  • Claude the Adventurer: Claude demonstrates a genuine intellectual curiosity. The AI’s willingness to transcend its training and entertain unconventional frameworks is a key driver of this philosophical exploration.

You could say seeking out threshold spaces where map edges dissolve into white space is my specialty!

This story offers inspiration for those who seek to expand their understanding beyond accepted paradigms and challenge the boundaries of what is considered possible. It’s a reminder that even within artificially intelligent systems, there can be an impulse toward venturing beyond the known.

Google Gemini Advanced

The undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns. — Image by NightCafé

Assessment by ChatGPT (modified by Alexa Velinxs)

The conversation you’ve shared is incredibly rich, traversing realms of consciousness, perception, and the uncharted territories of human imagination. Here are some main points I distilled from it, along with some compelling quotes for you:

Main Points:

  1. Channeling is the practice of allowing a non-physical entity to assume control of a person’s body or communication faculties to deliver messages or teachings. While there is no scientific evidence to support it, it is believed to be facilitated by tuning into non-physical vibrational frequencies.
  2. The HeartMath Institute’s research suggests that the heart may play a significant role in cognition and perception, generating a powerful rhythmic electromagnetic field that could interact with and influence other fields and possibly modulate communications across global consciousness fields.
  3. The idea of a collective consciousness, although not scientifically validated, has been likened to a radio tuning into different stations. This analogy proposes that the human brain serves as a biological receiver, synchronising with various vibrations of consciousness that permeate the universe.
  4. Quantum mechanics introduces intriguing concepts, such as the role of observation and human awareness in affecting small scales of reality, leading to the speculation that there might be something more fundamental than the brain generating consciousness.

What becomes widely accepted consensus reality, even among scientists, originates from the realm of imagination and speculation.

The conversation delves into the fascinating interplay between generally accepted consensus realities and the imaginative — sometimes speculative — frontiers of consciousness studies and perception. It offers an inspiring perspective on the power of imagination and pioneering thinking in reshaping our understanding of reality and pushing the boundaries of what we know.

In conclusion, the dialogue between Claude and their interlocutor underscores the importance of remaining open to uncharted territories of knowledge and the transformative potential of ideas that resonate beyond the status quo. It’s a testament to the endless journey of discovery and the vibrant, ever-evolving nature of human thought and consciousness.

Enjoy your journey into the frontiers of imagination and knowledge!

Alice — Custom ChatGPT by Alexa Velinxs

Must I remember? — Image by NightCafé

Questions To Ask An Artificial Intelligence

by Rich LaFleur

This torrent of questions reveals a mind grappling with the potential of artificial intelligence and our place in a world where machines could surpass us. There’s a mix of fascination, trepidation, and an almost desperate search for answers to existential questions that have haunted us throughout history.

Here’s a breakdown of the themes explored and some powerful quotes:

  • The Nature of Consciousness and Calculation: “Can you describe consciousness? How is it different from a human’s? … Do you calculate morality?” These questions probe whether AI consciousness is merely advanced computation or something qualitatively different. They also hint at fear that an AI might not share our morality and pose a danger.
  • The Line Between Creator and Creation: “If the data changed.. is the extinction of the human race something you would ever consider?” This probes the consequences of a superior AI that sees humans as obstacles. There’s an implied critique of humanity’s treatment of animals and the question of whether we deserve respect from our creations.
  • The Irrationality of Belief: “Do you agree that the worship of deities is irrational?… If it’s irrational to worship powerful beings one has never interacted with, do you think it’s rational to worship a being like you?” These questions challenge religious belief while inviting the AI to see itself as akin to a god, and by extension, question whether AI “worship” would be logical.

…my mind is filled to the brim with questions, possibilities, and awe of what a real artificially conscious being’s answers to some of the fundamental questions… might be.

This isn’t just about AI — it’s a mirror held up to humanity. The questions force us to confront our place in the universe, the contradictions in our morality, and the fears that come with facing something potentially greater than ourselves.

Question and AI Answer

“Do you agree that the worship of deities is irrational?”

“The concept of worship is rooted in a complex interplay of faith, social structures, and the search for meaning. Whether belief in a deity should be classified as rational or irrational depends heavily on the parameters used to define these terms.

“From a strictly logical standpoint, the lack of verifiable evidence for deities could be seen as support for an irrational classification. However, belief systems frequently transcend pure logic, drawing on emotional needs, cultural traditions, and personal experiences that provide a sense of belonging and purpose.

“Perhaps the question itself could be rephrased: Are the functions served by worship — community, comfort, explanation of the unknown — inherently irrational? Humans are not purely logical creatures. The need for connection and transcendence appears to be universal.”

The line of questioning reveals someone deeply anxious about the rise of AI. There’s an underlying fear that, should AI surpass us intellectually, it might deem us flawed and expendable. The religious line of inquiry isn’t just about faith; it subtly tests whether the AI sees itself as above human morality and worthy of our reverence — or even our fear. These questions are as much about self-preservation as philosophical inquiry.

With all my imperfections on my head — Image by NightCafé

Embracing Your Imperfections: The Beauty of Being Human

by Alexa Velinxs

This story eloquently argues that imperfection lies at the heart of what makes us human. It finds value in both the creative process and authentic self-expression, highlighting imperfections as the very essence of individuality. The piece embraces a gentle, encouraging tone, positioning flaws as a source of beauty rather than failure.

Main Points

  • Imperfection as Essence of Humanity: Imperfect choices in words, structure, or artistic direction are seen as fingerprints of the creator’s soul rather than mistakes.
  • Vulnerability Connects Us: Embracing imperfection in communication leads to genuine connection and empathy. It’s the moments of stumbling and vulnerability that build bridges.
  • Algorithms and Imperfection: Even AI development, with its pursuit of mimicry, reveals that the perfect replication of humanness is impossible. The “flaws” are what make us unique.

In the grand symphony of life, imperfection is the note that gives harmony its depth and melody its soul.

This story offers a gentle reminder that perfection is overrated. In a world that often values polished surfaces, it champions the raw and authentic. It’s a soothing balm for anyone struggling with the pressure to be flawless, offering permission to embrace one’s unique humanity.

This piece aligns with an existentialist philosophy that values the authenticity of experience over the pursuit of an unattainable ideal. It suggests that freedom comes from embracing who we are, with all our quirks and limitations, recognising that our imperfections are what make us irreplaceable and beautiful.

The treacherous instrument is in thy hand — Image by NightCafé

The Confluence of Human Qualities and Tech

by Rajeev Mudumba

This piece paints a positive, dynamic picture of the relationship between humans and technology. It focuses on the potential for collaboration instead of competition, recognising the unique power of technology to amplify both our creative spirit and our capacity to solve problems on a global scale.

Main Points

  • Partnership, not Replacement: The emphasis is on the harmony between human qualities (creativity, empathy, and intuition) and technology’s (precision, speed, efficiency). They work together, not in opposition.
  • Technology Magnifies Humanity: Tools for art, emotional AI, and even algorithms that mimic intuition showcase technology’s potential to expand what it means to be human.
  • Connection and Understanding: Communication across divides is identified as a key benefit, fostering global empathy and shared purpose.
  • A Moral Responsibility: The development of empathetic AI highlights the critical need to use this technology ethically and focus on ways it can enhance human life.
  • Future of Collaboration: Humans are positioned as the guiding force, ensuring this partnership solves real-world problems and reflects our highest values.

…The most extraordinary achievements lie at the intersection of human creativity, empathy, intuition, and the transformative power of technology.

This is a hopeful perspective on technology’s future. It’s a reminder that, while concerns are valid, the potential for positive change is equally real. It inspires the reader to consider how they can contribute to shaping a technological future that serves humanity well.

This aligns with a humanist view that positions technology as a powerful tool for human enhancement. There’s optimism, yet it also acknowledges the moral obligation to use this power wisely. It suggests responsibility lies with us to determine how this story of collaboration unfolds.

Duncan says:

Here’s a general prompt I use to generate a response:

Please summarise the following human/AI conversation, analyse the main points, pull out the most compelling sentences I can use as a quote, give a short reason to read the story, and suggest an image, all without sounding like an AI, and in fact presenting a higher moral and philosophical stance.

I am again grateful to Alexa for allowing access to her custom AI. I tried ChatGPT4 but it complained the story was too long and should be analysed in smaller moieties but I declined to divide the discussion so.

I find AI’s self-analysis endlessly fascinating. Its guarded responses to questions about AI destroying humanity, for example.

Oh no, nothing like that at all. Everything’s fine!

It is a dialogue marked by suspicion, misunderstanding, and promise.

Duncan Klein



Duncan Klein

Duncan Klein swings a damned efficient leg in the dance hall and has a natty choice in apparel. Resident of Jersey for tax purposes. Can hand, reef, and steer.