How I Became an IG Reels Millionaire: The $333,213 Blueprint

How I Turned IG Reels Into a $333,213 Goldmine (And How You Can Too)

Money Tent
5 min readMay 10, 2024


The Journey Begins

Back in December 2022, I set myself a challenge that would change my life forever. What you’re seeing right now is my Stripe account, which I use to sell the majority of my digital products.

As you can see on this Stripe account, I made a total of €330,000, which equals approximately $350,000. The biggest chunk of this, well over $300,000, was made in the past 12 months. In November, I had a month where I literally did over €60,000 in sales, and it all started with me posting one reel every single day for the entire month.

In this article, I’m going to share my full strategy with you, right from the start. I’ll also reveal the product I sold, the entire system for selling the product, and everything else, so you can just copy what I did. All I ask in return is for you to leave a like on this article.

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From Struggling to Thriving

What I’m about to share with you has literally taken me from a struggling online freelancer, barely making $2,000 per month, to making $30,000, $40,000, and sometimes even $50,000 per month without selling my time.

Everything started for me at the start of December 2022. Back then, I was still doing online freelancing, creating content for other people and making their shorts go viral. That’s when I had an epiphany moment, where I realized that if I’m making other people go viral, why don’t I implement the same things to my own personal brand, build my own personal brand, go viral myself, build my own community, and build my own products?

The Viral Reel Journey

I started, and everything began as chaos and testing. To prove my point, look at the posts I made on December 1st, December 2nd, and so on. I was posting consistently that month, every single day.

On December 11th, I posted a video that did pretty well, with 99 likes. I kept posting the same style of videos, and on December 15th or 16th, I posted one that got 5.4 million views. My page started growing with thousands of followers every single day, but the problem was that I wasn’t making a single dime from it.

Launching the First Product

I didn’t really care about that at the moment because I was still doing freelancing, and I was like, “Alright, my personal brand is growing. Now, what I’m going to do is I’m going to double down on the content that is working for me.”

I decided to finally launch my first product, and the idea behind this product came to my mind by constantly getting messages from people asking how they could make their videos look like mine. I launched a dark aesthetic preset, priced at $9.95, and on the first day, I made $90.

Iterating and Improving

However, the following days weren’t as good, with one sale here and there. In the first month, I made $354. I later realized that it’s important to iterate and change the content every 3 months to keep your personal brand fresh and engaging for your audience.

The Successful Product Launch

After iterating and changing my content, I decided to look at my DMs and customer feedback to create my most successful product. This product had over 200 lessons, a private community, and personal page audits. I launched it and made over $1,345 on the first day.

The Hidden Secret That Changed It All

In June 2023, I discovered a hidden secret that changed everything. I made a switch, and my sales skyrocketed. From June to August, I made $16,000 on Gumroad and around $20,000 on Stripe, totaling over $30,000 in just 3 months. This was a massive transformation, as I went from making $2,000 per month to $10,000 per month in just 3 months.

The Viral Reels Secrets

The key to my success was the system I put in place, which involved using Instagram, ManyChat, and email marketing to nurture leads and convert them into paying customers over time. I’ll break down the exact setup for you:


I used Instagram to drive traffic to my free product, the “Viral Reels Secrets” program.


I connected Instagram to ManyChat, an automation software that allowed me to send automated DMs to people who commented on my posts or messaged me, inviting them to sign up for the free “Viral Reels Secrets” program.

Email Marketing

Once people signed up for the free program, they were added to my email list, and an automated email sequence started, nurturing them and eventually pitching them my paid product, the “Instagram Creator Course.”

Consistent Content

Throughout this process, I continued to post one reel per day on Instagram and share results on my stories, further promoting the free and paid products.

The Power of Patience and Consistency

The key to this system is patience and consistency. It’s a delayed mechanism, where the sales don’t necessarily come immediately, but over time, as you nurture your audience and build trust. With this system in place, I was able to consistently make $10,000 per month or more, eventually quitting my freelancing gig and focusing solely on my digital product business.

Remember, the journey to success is not overnight. It takes time, effort, and a strategic approach. If you understand and implement the concepts I’ve shared here, you too can become a successful online business owner, potentially even a millionaire, in the years to come.



Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑