How To Make Money As A Writer On Medium in 2023

Smriti sultana
4 min readOct 4, 2023
Photo by Viacheslav Bublyk on Unsplash

Welcome to the exciting world of writing in the digital era! If you’ve ever dreamed of turning your passion for writing into a source of income, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explore how you can make money as a writer on Medium in 2023. It’s not just about words; it’s about building a readership and generating income while doing what you love.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Medium
  • Joining the Medium Partner Program
  • Finding Your Niche
  • Crafting Engaging Content
  • Creating Eye-Catching Titles and Thumbnails
  • Keeping Readers Engaged
  • Growing Your Audience
  • Harnessing Social Media
  • Building Connections with Readers
  • Staying Consistent and Persistent
  • Analyzing Your Performance
  • Exploring Multiple Income Streams
  • Self-Publishing on Medium
  • Conclusion

1. Introduction

Let’s start by acknowledging that the digital landscape has revolutionized the way writers share their stories and earn a living. Medium, the online publishing platform, has played a significant role in this transformation. It provides writers with an opportunity to reach a global audience and get paid for their work.

2. Understanding Medium

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of making money on Medium, let’s get acquainted with the platform itself. Medium is an online community of writers and readers where you can publish and discover a wide range of articles on various topics. It operates on a subscription model, where readers pay a monthly fee to access premium content.

3. Joining the Medium Partner Program

To kickstart your journey towards making money on Medium, you need to join the Medium Partner Program. This program is your gateway to earning money based on the engagement your stories receive. It considers factors like how long readers spend on your articles and the number of claps (Medium’s version of likes) your work garners.

4. Finding Your Niche

Choosing the right niche is paramount to your success on Medium. Opt for topics that genuinely interest you and have a substantial following. Some popular niches include personal development, technology, finance, and self-improvement.

5. Crafting Engaging Content

Your writing should captivate your readers. Create compelling stories that resonate emotionally with your audience. Share personal experiences, valuable insights, and information that adds a unique perspective.

6. Creating Eye-Catching Titles and Thumbnails

The first impression matters! Craft attention-grabbing headlines and select visually appealing images for your articles. These elements are crucial in enticing readers to click on your story.

7. Keeping Readers Engaged

Medium rewards writers based on the time readers spend on their articles. To maximize your earnings, focus on producing longer, in-depth content that keeps readers engaged and scrolling.

8. Growing Your Audience

Building a dedicated following on Medium is key to increasing your readership and income potential. Interact with fellow writers, follow publications, and engage with your readers by responding to comments and messages.

9. Harnessing Social Media

Expand your reach by promoting your Medium articles on social media platforms. Sharing your work on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn can attract new readers to your Medium profile.

10. Building Connections with Readers

Engage with your readers regularly. Respond to comments, foster discussions, and create a sense of community. Building relationships with your audience can lead to loyal followers and increased earnings.

11. Staying Consistent and Persistent

Consistency is the key to success on Medium. Publish high-quality content regularly and stay persistent, even if your initial earnings are modest.

12. Analyzing Your Performance

Use Medium’s analytics tools to monitor the performance of your articles. Identify which topics and writing styles resonate with your audience, and adapt your strategy accordingly.

13. Exploring Multiple Income Streams

In addition to the Medium Partner Program, consider other ways to monetize your writing, such as sponsored content, affiliate marketing, or selling your digital products and courses.

14. Self-Publishing on Medium

For greater control over your earnings, you can self-publish on Medium. This allows you to sell your stories directly to readers and retain a higher percentage of the revenue.

15. Conclusion

Making money as a writer on Medium in 2023 is not just a dream; it’s a viable reality. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can transform your passion for writing into a profitable endeavor.


Can beginners join the Medium Partner Program?

  • Absolutely! The Medium Partner Program welcomes writers of all levels. Focus on creating engaging content, and your earnings will grow over time.

How often should I publish on Medium to maximize my earnings?

  • Consistency matters more than frequency. Publish at a pace that allows you to maintain the quality of your writing.

Are there any fees to join the Medium Partner Program?

  • No, joining the Medium Partner Program is free. You only need a Medium account to get started.

Can I republish my existing blog posts on Medium?

Yes, you can republish your existing content on Medium, but make sure to follow Medium’s guidelines on duplicate content.

What percentage of my earnings does Medium take as a fee?

  • Medium takes a 50% fee from the subscription revenue generated by your stories, while writers receive the other 50%.

Start your journey toward making money as a writer on Medium in 2023, and share your unique stories with the world. Unlock your potential and start earning today!



Smriti sultana

I am a Digital Marketer I provide you Real Information InshAllah.