Hypergamy: What Is It and How Does It Affect Your Dating Life?

How to understand and navigate the dynamics of hypergamy in modern relationships

Firman Nofhananda
4 min readJun 9, 2023


Photo by Andre Furtado

Hypergamy is a term that refers to the tendency of some people to seek out partners who are of higher social status, wealth, education, or attractiveness than themselves. It is often used in the context of dating and relationships, especially among women who are perceived to be more selective and choosy than men.

But what exactly is hypergamy and how does it affect your dating life? Is it a natural instinct or a social construct? Is it a good or a bad thing? And how can you deal with it if you encounter it in your own or your partner’s behavior?

In this blog post, we will explore these questions and more, and give you some tips on how to navigate the complex world of hypergamy.

What are the origins and causes of hypergamy?

Hypergamy is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it has been observed in many cultures and societies throughout history. Some evolutionary psychologists argue that hypergamy is a biological trait that evolved as a survival strategy for women, who needed to secure the best possible mate for themselves and their offspring. By choosing a partner who is higher in status, wealth, or power, women could ensure that they and their children would have access to more resources, protection, and opportunities.

However, hypergamy is not only influenced by biology, but also by social and cultural factors. For example, some sociologists suggest that hypergamy is a result of gender inequality and patriarchy, which limit women’s opportunities and choices in life. By marrying up, women could gain more social mobility, freedom, and respect. Alternatively, some feminists argue that hypergamy is a form of empowerment and agency for women, who can use their beauty, charm, and intelligence to attract and influence powerful men.

Hypergamy is also affected by the availability and quality of potential partners in the dating market. For instance, some researchers claim that hypergamy is more prevalent in societies where there is a shortage of men or where men are less educated or employed than women. In such scenarios, women may have to compete for the few eligible men who meet their standards, or lower their expectations and settle for less.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of hypergamy?

Hypergamy can have both positive and negative consequences for individuals and relationships. On the one hand, hypergamy can be seen as a rational and pragmatic choice that maximizes one’s chances of happiness and success. By dating or marrying someone who is higher in status, wealth, or attractiveness than oneself, one can enjoy more material comfort, social prestige, or physical satisfaction. Moreover, hypergamy can also inspire one to improve oneself and achieve more in life.

On the other hand, hypergamy can also create problems and challenges for individuals and relationships. For example, hypergamy can lead to unrealistic expectations, dissatisfaction, or insecurity in oneself or one’s partner. If one feels that one is not good enough or worthy enough for one’s partner, one may experience low self-esteem, jealousy, or resentment. Alternatively, if one feels that one’s partner is not good enough or worthy enough for oneself, one may feel bored, restless, or contemptuous. Furthermore, hypergamy can also cause conflict or instability in relationships. If one or both partners are constantly looking for someone better or more attractive than their current partner, they may cheat, break up, or divorce.

How can you cope with hypergamy in your dating life?

Hypergamy is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be a natural preference or a personal choice that reflects one’s values and goals in life. However, it can also become a problem if it interferes with one’s happiness or relationship quality. Therefore, it is important to be aware of how hypergamy affects you and your partner, and how to deal with it in a healthy and constructive way.

Here are some tips on how to cope with hypergamy in your dating life:

· Be honest with yourself and your partner about what you want and need in a relationship. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve, but also don’t expect more than what you can offer.

· Communicate openly and respectfully with your partner about your feelings and concerns regarding hypergamy. Don’t assume that they know what you think or feel, or that they share your views or values.

· Appreciate your partner for who they are as a person, not just for what they have or what they look like. Focus on their qualities, strengths, and contributions to the relationship.

· Support your partner in their personal growth and development. Encourage them to pursue their passions and interests, and celebrate their achievements.

· Work on your own self-improvement and self-confidence. Don’t rely on your partner to validate your worth or happiness. Find your own purpose and fulfillment in life.

· Be loyal and faithful to your partner. Don’t compare them to others or flirt with other people. If you are unhappy or unsatisfied in your relationship, talk to your partner or seek professional help, rather than cheat or leave.

· Be realistic and flexible in your expectations and standards. Don’t idealize or idolize your partner, or put them on a pedestal. Recognize that they are human and imperfect, just like you.

· Be grateful and content with what you have and who you are with. Don’t take your partner or your relationship for granted. Express your love and appreciation regularly.

Hypergamy is a complex and controversial topic that can have different meanings and implications for different people. However, by understanding its origins, causes, and effects, and by applying some of the tips above, you can make hypergamy work for you, not against you, in your dating life.

