I Am A Writer Who Uses AI When I Create.

K. Joseph
3 min readApr 11, 2024


Still, I should get paid when people read my (yes my) stories. Shouldn’t I?

The author used a smartphone app to create an augmented image of herself. However, this happened several years ago and the app is no longer on her phone. Additionally, she cannot recall the name of the app from memory. Does K. Joseph still own this image given her memory leakage?

Hello Buster Benson – I do not think the new Medium ban on AI content includes me.

I admit, most times I do not think I am the one or I am to blame, or I am the drama. I may need therapy or I have a strong sense of self. Take the most recent communication from Medium, for instance. I read it and thought: that’s not me.

Medium said, “We define AI-generated writing as writing where the majority of the content has been created by an AI-writing program with little or no edits, improvements, fact-checking, or changes.”

The author took this screenshot of the email Medium sent them on April 10, 2024.

When I write with AI, I prompt generously, edit heavily results, and add in my voice. As a matter of fact, I wrote and analyzed the question of, whether the writing I create with AI tools is mine.



K. Joseph

Change management leader sharing ideas and experiences that may help you navigate the world of work with your fellow humans.