Let’s come out of all worries.

Only_Passion Drives
3 min readSep 10, 2022

Is it possible to eliminate anxiety and depression by doing some exercises?

Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

In today’s world, everyone is busy with their hustle, and they don’t have time to think about their mental and personal growth! Yes, this is a fact. Development of mind and mental peace is what today’s needs are! We clean our bodies daily and care for our hygiene and clothes. But how do we care for our inner self? How can we clean it or feed it? What’s to provide for it? Well, I will answer all of your questions here.

Photo by Drew Dizzy Graham on Unsplash

“Nowadays, happiness lies between the parameter of a materialistic world and fulfillment after getting it. But the very fact of the matter; there is no physical object which gives us a sense of inner fulfillment and peace”

As technology is progressing at a fast pace, we, as human beings, are trying to synchronize our work life with machines. We made machines and technological advancements for our work efficiency and time-saving. Still, the one parameter we often forget in every technological evolution did not provide the sense of human understanding: emotion, love, openness, and calmness inside us.

We have often seen the Western world as far advanced and technologically superior in broad fields. Still, when we see how many people are going through severe depression, anxiety, and other mental illness, it's vast. But this is not limited to the Western world, in every part of the world, some people are going through severe mental health problems. It is seen in our daily life very fond of attaching different physical entities to which we have or are willing to fulfill desires. But when a particular wish is fulfilled, a new one will arise in our mind, which will lead to countless cravings and always busy accomplishing in this unprecedented cycle of desire. Some appear in our minds because we often see others have this or that thing, and I also want it! And we start attracted to it until it gets fulfilled. But we never ask ourselves that; we need this.

Start Practicing Gratitude — -Once we understand this ‘Never ending series of desires’ will not end at any point; when one is fulfilled, another will arise. And so on… there is a way called “Gratitude.” This easy practice of gratitude stops in the direction of ‘Never-ending desire.’ It will also take you into the inner depth of soulful thinking, which is very different from the materialistic world but very subtle in nature and peaceful in nature. We often misunderstand things because of limited information or because we take — the generalized meaning of profound conscience-purifying words. Gratitude; is something that we can always practice with anything we have. I.e., appreciation for the sunlight we get, the water we get, the food we get, all the good people around us we get, the weather we get….so on. It is the practice of everything from the bottom of our Hearts to God or anything you call it. It opens the way for emotions to flow toward mental peace, and the dissolution of desires will be seen. Gratitude practice does in such a way that even a shadow of superimposition could not affect it, and for that, we must be ready to start loving things we are getting created from natural resources and then spread it to all.

Breathing synchronicity with the body — -Breathing plays a vital role in our lifestyle, most of the time, we do ‘shallow breathing,’ which we can say is an incomplete breathing pattern. Incomplete because we only use our chest for breathing the whole day and night, but for deep and calm breathing, we should start living by our Stomach or Abdominal breathing. When we are anxious and angry, our breathing gets disturbed, and we get angry. It again concerns the whole thought process, the due long habit of ‘shallow breathing’ and ‘Chest-Breathing’ it becomes our tendency to do. Still, when we focus on our breath and breathing from the abdomen, we will see the immediate change in everything from sleeping, eating, thinking, etc.

