Music Is About Goosebumps

Rico La Malice
1 min readApr 15, 2023

“Where words fail, music speaks.” — Hans Christian Andersen

Picture by Dids at Pexels

Recently, a friend who knows I’m not into rock music, decided to force me to listen to a band called Greta Van Fleet. Quite skeptical, I dared to give his new discovery a chance.

You see, when it comes to music, I can be pretty picky. I need something that I can relate to. Something I can vibrate with on a primal level.

Every new song is a new quantum world of various possible outcomes.

Every song is the beginning of a sensorial adventure.

And, my friend, what an adventure has it been.

Relax, close your eyes, and take a step back.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to… GRETA VAN FLEET!

We sometimes tend to forget how art can be the gateway to a new reality.

A reality that goes beyond the limits of our cerebral rational lens. A world of sensations, thrills, and emotions.

Music is a vibration. Music is an escape.

Music is a book we open to enter a parallel world.

So live, my friend. And don’t forget to dance to the beat, as you if you lived forever.



Rico La Malice

Controversial truths>Platitudes. Less words, more substance.