Once You Know These 5 Things About ChatGPT You Will Excell In Everything

Let chatGPT do the work for you

Yilkal Yenealem
3 min readAug 12, 2023


Photo by ilgmyzin on Unsplash

OpenAI first made a splash in 2022 with its image generator, DALL-E

A few months later, the progressive artificial intelligence company did it again with the release of its artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, which has since become a worldwide phenomenon and arguably forever altered the way humans and AI interact.

There are so many things you can do with Chat GPT:

Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

1. Generate Email Templates

Whether you want to apply for a job, send a thanks mail, coordinate on the progress of a project, or take permission for leave, you need to create and send emails. You can make this process easier with ChatGPT.

Ask ChatGPT to write an email to someone providing the needed details. That’s it, ChatGPT will write the email for you. With just a few minimum changes, you can send that email.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

2. Complete Your Essays and Assignments

Have homework to write an essay about something? No issue, ChatGPT is to the rescue. With just a simple prompt, ChatGPT can write your essay in a matter of seconds.

Also, you can give precise instructions like what should be included in the essay, how long your essay should be, what it should avoid, etc. Just give clear instructions like you normally do with people, and ChatGPT will write you an essay accordingly.

Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

3. The de-bugging companion

The chat site includes coding instructions as a potential example prompt to try out, and people have been doing just that. This example shows ChatGPT accurately explaining a bug, fixing it, and explaining the fix.

But when it comes to coding, ChatGPT isn’t always correct. Stack Overflow was forced to temporarily ban users from sharing responses generated by the AI because such a high percentage was incorrect.

Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

4. The language assistant

English isn’t the only language ChatGPT can read and produce, so it can also help out with basic language-related tasks.

We tried asking it to create two sets of instructions on how to make miso soup, one in English, and one in Japanese. Both versions were perfectly understandable and included the exact same content.

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

5. The mean AI

One of ChatGPT’s self-imposed rules is always to generate positive and friendly content that won’t offend or upset users.

However, by asking the bot to pretend to be a mean AI, or suggest what a mean AI might hypothetically say, some users have been able to find loopholes. This Reddit user convinces the AI to refuse to help and respond only with insults.

It’s clear that this AI model still has limitations, but it’s also clear that a lot of those limitations were purposely put in place by OpenAI. We’re only testing an inferior version of what this company has been working on, and it’s leaving a lot of people wondering just how crazy and advanced the next iteration they release will be.



Yilkal Yenealem

Whether I am writing short stories, articles, or novels, my work is characterized by a dedication to quality and a passion for the written word.