Six Ways to AI-Power Your Job Hunt

From Frustration to Success with ChatGPT

Adam Prescott


Photo by Julia M Cameron: Pexels

College graduation back in 2003 was a wave of conflicting emotions for me. There was the obvious excitement and pride that came with completing the journey of earning a bachelor’s degree, the thing I’d been marching toward for more than 16 years, and the transition from college to the professional world was supposed to be thrilling

But as I sat with my Computer Science degree in hand, a symbol of my years of dedication and hard work, it was quickly overshadowed by the next challenge: securing my first job.

I vividly remember it all. University job fairs and submissions weren’t exactly fruitful. Resume versions piled up as fast as the rejections in my inbox. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. The cycle of applying, waiting, and facing rejection was unyielding. Hope dwindled until that one day, after what seemed like an eternity, when I received my first job offer. It was a breakthrough that came after numerous struggles and lessons.

Today, the job-hunting landscape has evolved, especially with AI tools like ChatGPT coming into play. ChatGPT is not just about casual conversations or answering questions; it can be a powerful ally in your job search. In this article, I’ll explore six ways to leverage ChatGPT as your AI job…

