The Impact of the “Body Positive” Movement on Mississippi’s High Obesity Rates

Adaptive Elegance
3 min readJul 2, 2023
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Mississippi’s Obesity Epidemic

Mississippi is currently struggling with a significant health crisis. With over 1.5 million adults suffering from obesity, the state’s obesity rate is the highest in the nation.

In recent years, many public health efforts have been directed toward managing this issue. Despite these efforts, however, Mississippi’s obesity rates have remained stubbornly high. While the state government continues to grapple with this ongoing problem, a growing movement on a global scale has sparked controversy and debate about the implications of body positivity on obesity rates.

The Body Positive Movement and Its Goals

The body-positive movement, popularized through various social media platforms, aims to challenge societal beauty norms and advocate for the acceptance of all body types. Its proponents argue that it is crucial to improve mental health by promoting self-love and acceptance, thus improving body image.

There is a significant body of evidence showing that body acceptance can be beneficial to one’s health. For example, a study published in the National Library of Medicine showed that women who experienced body appreciation were less likely to engage in harmful dieting behaviors and had lower levels of body dissatisfaction. Furthermore, according to a piece by NPR, individuals who have a positive body image are more likely to engage in healthier behaviors, such as regular physical activity and balanced eating.

The Controversy: Body Positivity vs. Obesity

Despite the benefits of the body-positive movement, there is a question about its impact on areas with high obesity rates like Mississippi. Critics argue that it may inadvertently enable unhealthy behaviors that contribute to obesity. By promoting acceptance of all body types, the movement might discourage those with obesity from seeking the help they need to improve their health.

However, it is essential to note that body positivity isn’t about promoting unhealthy lifestyles; it’s about breaking the stigma attached to different body sizes and encouraging individuals to love and take care of their bodies.

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How Body Positivity Could Impact Mississippi

Looking ahead, it’s challenging to predict the precise outcome of the body-positive movement in a state like Mississippi. However, what is clear is that the movement is driving an essential dialogue about self-acceptance, mental health, and body diversity.

In a state with high obesity rates, body positivity could potentially serve as a tool to shift the narrative around obesity. Rather than viewing obesity solely as a failure of individual willpower, it can be seen as a complex health issue that requires comprehensive and compassionate approaches.

In this context, the body-positive movement may help by reducing the stigma associated with obesity, encouraging individuals to seek help and adopt healthier lifestyles.

While the body-positive movement may have its critics, the potential benefits of improved body acceptance in fostering healthier behaviors cannot be overlooked. Ultimately, tackling obesity in Mississippi or any state will require a multi-pronged approach that includes promoting physical activity, ensuring access to healthy foods, and encouraging positive body image and mental health. The body positive movement, when understood correctly, can be a valuable part of this strategy. It’s about health and self-love, regardless of size.

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Adaptive Elegance

I began writing about adaptive clothing and it has evolved to many topics about aging and disabilities.