The Number 1 Question AI Answers to Find the Value of Your Content.

A single prompt.

Karl Cutler


This will be a quick and dirty read because I’ve discovered a brilliant prompt for ChatGPT, or possibly any AI, that is so simple I’m frustrated I didn’t think of it earlier. I’m unsure if this technique is well-known or discussed, but it’s a streamlined approach to learning without getting overwhelmed by excessive information. If you could stick around just long enough for this to count as a full read, I’d appreciate it.

As I delve deeper into writing articles on Medium, I aim to imbue my work with meaningful value. I believe many readers, perhaps even you, aspire to add value in their own way. The strategy I’ve found for crafting impactful titles is straightforward yet effective.

Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

Regardless of the medium you’re working with — be it videos, podcasts, or articles — you need to ensure ChatGPT fully grasps your content’s essence. With complete information, you can use this simple prompt:

“What is the biggest question that my [insert content type, e.g., blog/article] answers?”

This approach is uncomplicated but powerful, as it helps clarify the value your content offers to the audience. Ultimately, the goal of creating content is to provide value that keeps your audience returning, whether for…

