The Secret of the Abandoned Mansion: THE END


3 min readMay 22, 2023


Photo by Edilson Borges on Unsplash

As they made their way back to the ground floor, they heard a noise that made their blood run cold. It was the sound of the metal door opening. They knew they had to get out of there, and fast.

They raced towards the window they had climbed through, but as they got closer, they heard footsteps behind them.

They burst through the window and ran as fast as they could, not stopping until they were back in their own neighborhood. They collapsed onto the sidewalk, panting and trying to catch their breath.

Over the next few days, they couldn’t stop thinking about what they had discovered in the abandoned mansion. They talked to each other constantly, trying to piece together the puzzle.

And then one day, they received a message. It was from the man they had seen in the mansion, and he wanted to meet with them.

Julia and her friends were apprehensive, but their curiosity got the better of them. They agreed to meet with the man, who introduced himself as Dr. Morgan.

He explained that he had been working on a secret project, a project that had been shut down years ago. But he had continued to work on it, in secret, in the abandoned mansion.

He showed them his work, which involved a serum that could potentially cure diseases and prolong life. But his work had been deemed unethical by the scientific community, and he had been forced to work in secret. He begged Julia and her friends to keep his secret and help him complete his research.

Julia and her friends were torn. On one hand, they were fascinated by Dr. Morgan’s work, and the potential it held.

But on the other hand, they knew that what he was doing was dangerous and could have serious consequences. They decided to think it over, and meet with Dr. Morgan again in a few days.

Over the next few days, Julia and her friends debated what to do. They knew that they couldn’t keep Dr. Morgan’s secret forever, but they also didn’t want to betray him.

They decided to meet with him one more time and try to convince him to come forward with his research.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

When they arrived at the mansion, they found Dr. Morgan frantically packing his equipment. He explained that he had received word that the authorities had found out about his work, and were coming to shut him down. He begged Julia and her friends to help him escape and to take his research with them.

They knew that they were taking a huge risk, but they also knew that they couldn’t let Dr. Morgan’s work be destroyed.

They helped him load his equipment into their car and drove off into the night. They knew that they had to keep moving, and they drove for hours, stopping only to refuel.

Finally, they arrived at a remote cabin, deep in the woods. They helped Dr. Morgan set up his equipment and begin his work again. They worked tirelessly, day and night, to complete his research.

And finally, after months of hard work, they did it. They created a serum that could cure diseases and prolong life.

But their victory was short-lived. The authorities had caught up with them, and they were arrested for aiding and abetting a criminal.

They spent months in jail, awaiting trial, but when the day came, they were acquitted of all charges. The serum they had created had saved countless lives, and had earned them the admiration of the scientific community.

Years later, Julia and her friends still look back on that night with a sense of wonder. They had stumbled upon something amazing, something that could change the course of history.

And even though they had paid a heavy price for their involvement, they knew that they had done the right thing. The secret of the abandoned mansion had become their secret, and they knew that it would always be a part of them.




salma fawad is a content creator, proof reader and an online instructor with a passion for writing, teaching and freelancing with 7 years of experience.