The Soto Voce Movement -A Clear and Present Danger to the Status Quo? - Part 2-Act 3

Echoes of Rebellion

Patrick OConnell
9 min readApr 7, 2024


pic of Soto Voce graffiti in the streets of Neo-Kiev
SI image of Soto Voce Resistance Movement graffiti — in the streets of Neo-Kiev — created by the author- using


In a world plagued by scarcity and elite control, a new resistance movement emerges — the Soto Voce.

Inspired by the White Rose, they fight oppression with whispers and wit. NM-Kitty, a feline vigilante, joins their fight for a just world.

NM-Kitty, a pampered Maine Coon belonging to a high-ranking Dominion official, lives a life of luxury oblivious to the harsh realities of the city of Neo-Kiev.

A chance encounter with a member of the Soto Voce resistance movement shatters her sheltered world and awakens her dormant potential.

NM-Kitty embraces her newfound abilities and joins the fight for a just world, embarking on a journey of training, camaraderie, and daring missions.

Act III: Echoes of Rebellion


The fallout from NM-Kitty’s daring operation unfolds.

The Dominion retaliates with increased brutality, but Luna’s message ignites a spark within the oppressed populace, leading to a citywide uprising.

Facing overwhelming odds, NM-Kitty and the Soto Voce must decide on their next move, ultimately choosing to retreat and regroup, but not before leaving a final message of defiance.


The city awoke to an unsettling silence. News of the disrupted Dominion broadcast spread like wildfire, igniting a flicker of hope within the hearts of the oppressed.

The Seeds of Dissent Begin to Sprout

Luna’s voice, starkly contrasting the regime’s fabricated narratives, resonated with the city’s underbelly. The seeds of dissent, planted by NM-Kitty and the Soto Voce, began to sprout.

The Dominion, however, was swift and brutal in its response. Troops flooded the streets, quashing any sign of rebellion with ruthless efficiency. The air crackled with tension, the once-gleaming neon cityscape now tainted with the acrid smoke of tear gas and the sickening thud of batons striking flesh.

pic of Neo-Kiev — created by the author — using htps://
AI image of Neo-Kiev-created by the author — using

As chaos erupted across Neo-Kiev, NM-Kitty found herself separated from her comrades. She watched in despair as the Dominion’s iron fist descended upon the city, shattering the fragile hope she had helped cultivate. Witnessing the suffering inflicted on the innocents fueled a burning rage within her.

The Uprising of the People Begins to Escalate

pic of the Soto Voce banner
AI image of the Soto Voce banner — created by the author — using

But amidst the despair, a glimmer of defiance emerged. Ordinary citizens, emboldened by Luna’s words and the audacious act of the resistance, took to the streets. They chanted slogans of freedom, their makeshift weapons a testament to their desperate resolve. The city, once cowed under the Dominion’s control, was in the throes of a full-blown uprising.

Despite the courage of the protestors, they were vastly outnumbered and outgunned.

The Dominion’s superior firepower was slowly but surely quelling the rebellion. NM-Kitty, her heart heavy with the burden of responsibility, knew that a frontal assault would mean certain annihilation.

A strategic retreat was the only option.

Reuniting with the scattered members of the Soto Voce, they retreated into the labyrinthine network of tunnels and abandoned buildings beneath the city. The weight of their defeat hung heavy in the air, but their spirits remained unbroken. They had seen the spark they had ignited, the fire of rebellion that burned within the hearts of the people.

Their mission was far from over.

The Dominion’s power remained formidable, but its facade of invincibility had been shattered. The people, awakened by the truth, would not be easily silenced. NM-Kitty, her emerald eyes burning with determination, addressed her comrades.

pic of the king of Neo-Ukraine’s castle — created by the author using
AI image of the king of Neo-Ukraine’s castle — located in Neo-Kiev-created by the author- using

“This is not the end,” she declared, her voice echoing through the cavernous tunnels. “We may have lost this battle, but the war has just begun. The Dominion may control the streets, but the people hold the true power. We will fight another day, for freedom, for justice, and for a brighter future.”

As the words left her lips, NM-Kitty, with Luna’s voice echoing in her mind, activated a hidden transmitter concealed within her suit. For a brief moment, the city held its breath as a single defiant message pierced the airwaves: “The flames of rebellion have been ignited. They cannot be extinguished.”

The message, a rallying cry for the resistance, reverberated across the city, a beacon of hope in the midst of despair. In the shadows, NM-Kitty and the Soto Voce regrouped, their resolve strengthened, their eyes fixed on the distant horizon, awaiting the opportune moment to rise again and fight for a free Neo-Kiev.

Another chapter of their war had been written in blood and sacrifice, but it was only the beginning. The fight for freedom had just begun.

This concludes the story of NM-Kitty and the Soto Voce in this installment. The seeds of rebellion have been sown, and the fight for a better future continues.


The Dominion, crippled but not defeated, launches a desperate counteroffensive. The city descends into chaos as the Soto Voce, outnumbered and outgunned, face their most critical test. In the ensuing conflict, sacrifices are made, and the line between resistance and revolution blurs.

As the dust settles, a fragile peace reigns. The Dominion relinquishes some control, but the fight for true democracy continues.

The Soto Voce, forever changed by their ordeal, become a symbol of the city’s unwavering spirit and the ongoing struggle for a just and equitable future.

pic of the king of Neo-Ukraine- created by the author using
AI image of the king of Neo-Ukraine-created by the author using


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This story and the characters are fictitious. However, certain locations, and events that occurred in the past or present, such as wars, other conflicts, various interactions among nations or societies, economic and geopolitical events, long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary.

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Don’t Miss:

Part 1 — The Soto Voce Movement — A Clear and Present Danger to the Status Quo? -A Glimmer of Hope-Act 3

Claws and Chaos


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My latest installment:

Abalon Rising: The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis — Quest for Balance-Part 1-Ch 7

Elara’s Success in Summoning the Immortals — The Resonance of Magick

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Keywords: Dominion Reprisals, Citywide Uprising, Seeds of Resistance, Propaganda Backfire, Public Support, Strategic Retreat, Unwavering Conviction, Symbol of Hope, Glimmer of Change

Summary: The fallout from NM-Kitty’s daring operation unfolds.

The Dominion retaliates with increased brutality-facing overwhelming odds, NM-Kitty and the Soto Voce must decide on their next move, choosing2retreat but not before leaving a final message of defiance!

  1. )

2. Summary: NM-Kitty, a pampered Maine Coon belonging to a high-ranking Dominion official, lives a life of luxury oblivious to the harsh realities of the city of Neo-Kiev. A chance encounter with a member of the Soto Voce resistance movement shatters her sheltered world and awakens her dormant potential. NM-Kitty embraces her newfound abilities and joins the fight for a just world, embarking on a journey of training, camaraderie, and daring missions.



5. From Kitty Cat to Cataclysm: A pampered pet becomes a warrior for justice, fighting alongside a resistance movement. (153 characters)

6. )

From Kitty Cat to Cataclysm: A pampered pet becomes a warrior for justice, fighting alongside a resistance movement.



Patrick OConnell

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