Think About the Benefits of Writing

How one can write with human intelligence, assisted by artificial intelligence.

Epic Dreamweaver
3 min readApr 8, 2024


Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

As a former writing teacher for many years, I became curious about what artificial intelligence can say about the work of writing.

Among other things, I would like to see how the AI’s answer compares to what I already know about creative writing.

Here is my question, and the answer from ChatGPT.


Write an essay about the benefits of writing.


Writing, a fundamental means of communication and expression, offers profound benefits that touch virtually every aspect of human life. From personal development to professional success, the act of writing can transform thoughts into tangible contributions to the world. This essay explores the multifaceted benefits of writing, underlining its significance in personal growth, communication, learning, emotional health, and societal contribution.

Personal Growth and Self-Understanding

Writing serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. Through the…



Epic Dreamweaver

I read and write, I write, and read. Be your own hero, when nothing helps, help others. Always remember: Life is beautiful, and so are you heltenanti@gmail.com