ARENGU: Sign-up process made simple

Rubén Ferreiro
Lanai Partners
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2020
I took this picture at Arengu’s HQ in A Coruña.

Among all of our Lanai Portfolio companies, I have a special affection for this venture because the CEO is a former employee of ELOGIA and I put with VIKO their first check. When Jacobo said to me that he wanted to leave the company to start his own venture, I was very confident that I had to back him. I was sure that everyone in the VIKO GROUP would be very happy that Jacobo remained close to us. Jacobo is a troubleshooter, he is this type of person that you always want close to you, a person that can solve any burdensome tech problem, at least the kind of tech problems that an agency has, quickly and reliably.

When he introduced me to his cofounders Pablo and Sergio, I was fully convinced that ARENGU could be a great opportunity. Firstly cause I felt that they are very nice people, secondly I gathered very good references for their technical background, and lastly, I thought that there are many synergies between their vision and our product Mooseway, and merging them we could develop a winner product.

ARENGU solves a very common problem which is to do the sign-up process easily and efficiently. I’m sure that many times you have suffered from bad user experiences in the sign-up process because it doesn’t work well and you have got some error, it isn’t mobile-friendly, it has many fields, you can’t use a social sign up, or they don’t offer you a random password to sign up quickly, etc.

The sign-up process is one of the most important steps for many digital products or services cause it is the first contact with their users, and if this process is not optimized you will lose many potential users. Usually, companies use their technical resources to develop the core competitive advantages of their products and forget to develop an accurate sign-up process.

The sign-up process is very important but I think it will be a commodity. Sometimes I compare it with the service of sending emails, nobody develops their own tool to send emails, everybody uses a complete email marketing service like Mailchimp or Salesforce or uses an MTA (mail transfer agents) such as Sendmail or Postfix. I hope the same thing will happen with the sign-up process.

Another advantage of Arengu is that it is a no-code app, this is very attractive for the marketing or product teams because they can implement and improve a sign -up process without a technical team. The no-code software is the most trendy wave in the SaaS ecosystem and there are many successful startups growing and getting funding based on this trend, such as Webflow, Typeform, Zapier, Stripe, Instapage or Landbot (lanai’s portfolio), etc.

As I recently read in Bonilista newsletter, according to Forrester Research this niche of the market will be 21 Billions $ in 2022, growing annually over 40% and according to Gartner in 2024 65% of the apps will be developed with no-code software.

Until now, we had invested in two SaaS projects with very technical cores, one with our first batch LANDBOT, and now in ARENGU, I’m sure that ARENGU will be at least as successful as LANDBOT.

Thank you so much, Jacobo, Sergio, and Pablo for allowing us to be your partners in this journey, and thank you Kfund for the trust in us and lead this investment.



Rubén Ferreiro
Lanai Partners

CEO GRUPO @VIKO: @Elogia , @Ibrands, @Mkt4eCommerce, @Mittum @Tandem_UP . Investor @lanaipartners