KRIIM: The DNVB of Natural Cosmetic from Barcelona.

Rubén Ferreiro
Lanai Partners
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2020

I have to recognize that as a digital marketer I have a preference for de DNVB (Digital Native Vertical Brands), a new wave of launching direct-to-consumer brands based in a digital strategy. As defined by the founder of Bonobos the Digitally Native Vertical Brand (DNVB) is “a brand born online with a ‘maniacal’ focus on the customer experience. There are many good examples around the world like Bonobos, Allbirds the sneakers, Casper the mattress, and in Spain the most well-known brand is Hawkers.

The first time that we met the founders of Kriim, I liked a lot the category and the brand that they were launching, but they were not looking for funding at that moment, and like any human being “I want what I don’t have”. Eric and David looked to me as a great team with experience in startups, Eric worked at Antai Venture Builder and David, after working at Pwc, launched his own startup, Shargo.

Kriim is a brand of natural cosmetics that produces sustainable, handcrafted natural products that are without additives, artificial colors, and scents.

Kriim has a real and successful omnichannel strategy. In the go-to-market strategy of cosmetic products the physical point of sale is very important because people feel more comfortable when somebody analyzes their skin and gives them some advice. Kriim uses the point of sale to do skin diagnostics, makeups trials, tutorials about how to care for your skin or the advantages of using natural cosmetics.

They use omnichannel strategies in both directions, use the online channels to send people to the point of sale to learn about the products and try it. And use the physical stores as a way of getting new clients and after that, these clients become recurrent clients buying online.

This is a very interesting strategy because I’m a firm believer that if you mix the data and the knowledge that the pure digital clients have about their clients and you could transfer this experience to the offline world, the result will be amazing.

We know the great challenges that new brands have to face to be successful, but we love this category because it is a kind of high margins, trendy and recurrent consumption products. Kriim has an amazing team that we are very lucky to find and we are very proud to foster them.



Rubén Ferreiro
Lanai Partners

CEO GRUPO @VIKO: @Elogia , @Ibrands, @Mkt4eCommerce, @Mittum @Tandem_UP . Investor @lanaipartners