Future of Food Vol 6: Ripple Foods

Taylor Bauldwin
Land And Ladle
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2017

Milk has become somewhat of a talking point recently. I am an almond milk drinker myself. However my whole life before that I had been a milk lover and would go through probably a gallon a week. Milk used to be a staple that was seemingly going to be around forever but more and more people are cutting down or cutting out their milk intake. Enter Ripple.

Ripple Foods Website Picture

Ripple is a yellow pea plant-based milk. They strive to make living dairy free right: a good source of protein, lower in sugar, and great tasting. The protein is what I missed the most when I switched to a non-milk diet and I frequently add a scoop of protein powder to my glass of almond milk.

“Ripple means no compromise”. Ripple milk has just as much protein as milk. 8 times the protein of almond milk and one half the sugar of milk.

I’m a big believer that, particularly in our toxic and broken political environment, business has got to lead the way toward benefits for people and for the planet, and there is no place you can have greater impact than our food system,” CEO Adam Lowry

My favorite part of Ripple Foods is how the website is full of pictures of children. A healthier choice up top usually trickles down to the younger generations.

Ripple makes it easy for people to bring more plant based foods into their diets without any tradeoff. Hopefully starting a ripple effect into schools and younger generations to live healthy lifestyles!

