Question: What can I do to reduce food waste? Answer: A lot!

Erin Meyer
Land And Ladle
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2018

Morton Salt is the next fighter to join the war on food waste. They recently created a fantastic PSA about the issue. The video parodies some foodies who are asking questions about their food at various places like farmers’ markets and restaurants. The last scene depicts the diners leaving a restaurant with plates of food left on the table. The final seconds of the video asks the question, “if we ask so many questions about our food, shouldn’t we ask why 40% of it goes to waste?” This is a valid question since food waste is kind of a big meal (sorry for the food pun); the implications of it are beyond the scope of this article, but can be read about here.

The “Questions” video may lead viewers to ask another question: what can I do?

Here are just a few things that your restaurant, grocery store, organization, business, farm or you, as a consumer, can do to fight food waste.


Make sure all employees are ordering and storing products properly. Cook wisely and use everything. Allow for menu flexibility. Use technologies like LeanPath. Allow for food rescue operations to glean any leftovers. Chefs and all employees can be role models by educating others and advocating.

Grocery Stores

Order and store all items properly. Loosen produce requirements and accept less than perfect produce from distributors. Let food rescue operations glean produce and other items. Sell deli items at reduced rates near closing. Be okay with running out of food at the deli counter and in other areas. Be a role model by educating others and advocating.

Organizations and Businesses

Use zero-waste catering companies for events. Ask attendees to RSVP to events where food will be served. Make sure break room fridges are organized and consider policies and systems for fridge use. Reconsider having food at every event and if food is necessary, have plans for any leftovers (like offering guests eco-friendly doggie bags). Be a food waste reduction champion by educating others and advocating.


Harvest all food and sell the less marketable items at the farmers’ market. If there is any remaining food, let food rescue operations glean the field and orchards. Advocate and educate!


Ask for doggie bags at restaurants and then actually eat them. Store and freeze items properly. Understand date labels. Shop wisely by planning meals and shopping lists prior to shopping. Make sure you buy only what you need. Cook wisely and look for recipes that use all of the parts of the food or that can use up your left overs. Contact your local food rescue operation to have them glean your fruit tree and garden if you cannot eat all of the food or pick it yourself and bring it to the office, your local school or even your neighbor. Advocate and educate!

Call to Action: Fight food waste today by incorporating these tips and by becoming a food waste fighter and advocate.

Learn More Here: 10 Surprising Causes of Food Waste and How to Fight Them and Tips, Tricks and Tech for Fighting Food Waste



Erin Meyer
Land And Ladle

Running the streets and advocating for sustainable eats.