Spooning for Attention: Future of Food vol. 7

Taylor Bauldwin
Land And Ladle
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2017

The great wise spoon is a key to every functional kitchen. After a quick google search we can find that the history is long and interesting, but no one really knows when the first spoon was used. However archeological findings can place some of first uses of spoons back to circa 1000 years BC.

The spoon has remained relatively unchanged for the most part so hey, it has to be doing something right.

Enter the Goute Spoon which aims to enhance the flavor of food by mimicking the experience of licking ones finger.

“Our idea is to reconnect people with that sensuality of eating, but in an elegant way. The Goute spoon is an extension of the finger, if you like.” — Charles Michel

The project began with 3D printing a scanned finger and then giving it a handle. After some trial and error glass was settled on as the best medium for the spoon. After tests in collaboration with Oxford University’s Crossmodal Research Laboratory the focus group reported that after eating with the Goute Spoon the food tasted better and the food was perceived to be more expensive!

So maybe there is something behind this spoon, and we’ll have 3 or 4 different kinds of “spoons” each one more suitable to a certain type of dish. I love when food and design come together. This is just one of millions of exciting things happening in the food industry.

Let me know what you think and head over to the website here to buy your very own Goute and learn more!

Stay groovy.

