What is Giving Garden?

Savannah Wardle
Land And Ladle
2 min readJun 8, 2018


If you’ve just joined our Giving Garden community, we figured it’s time for a proper introduction.

We are a platform for vegetable lovers, garden fanatics, and green-thumb growers. We use technology to connect individuals to fresh, local produce with the goal to eliminate food waste and insecurity in our communities. We hope to encourage healthy habits while simultaneously promoting sustainability. Join the effort!

Our Giving Garden app helps you do 3 key things: connect, give and get, and grow.


Our app allows gardeners across the country to connect because we know knowledge is better when shared. Giving Garden is a great place to ask questions, seek advice, or share community updates. Share your tips, tricks, and gardening hacks to help each others’ gardens flourish.

Give & Get

If your blackberry bush has produced more than you can eat or you have more than enough green beans to go around, post your extras in our app to share with other Giving Gardeners in the marketplace. Use our search bar to find exactly what you’re looking for quickly. Our map feature allows you to locate farmers markets near you, so that you’re never too far away from fresh, local produce.


Whether you’re starting a garden for the first time or simply planting a new crop, we’ve got you covered. Our Grow tab features plant descriptions along with the best months for planting and harvesting specific to each plant. It also provides your local weather and hardiness zone, as well as monthly to-dos. Keep track of the plants you’re growing with our “My Garden” tab.

“I love that the app is community focused and easy to use.” -Sandra, GG user

For more information, check out our introduction video and download our app. Together, we’re making #homegrown food the latest trend.

This blog post was written by Savannah Wardle, a writing and social media intern at Giving Garden. Savannah enjoys sharing her passion for holistic nutrition and sustainability. Connect with her on LinkedIn to see her current projects.

