Gameplay Series #4 — LOC Alliance

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2022

Welcome to the world of Land Of Conquest, or LOC for short. As mentioned in the previous article, alliance is an important part needed to win a battle. The sooner you join/create an alliance, the easier it will make it for players to break through the limitations of their own development. With leveling up, players will realize that it is easy to encounter bottlenecks when playing alone. Actively using alliance strategies will be a better way to protect their own territories and break their growth restrictions.

This is the last article for the LOC Gameplay Series which introduces “LOC Alliance”. It consists of two subsections.

Join an Alliance

Alliances play an important role in LOC gameplay.

For this reason, it is highly recommended that players join an alliance as early as possible. This alliance membership will make a big difference in the later stages of the game.

Joining an alliance will give you access to more gameplay opportunities and further enhance your in-game experience.

Alliance Features

  • Alliance Wars: all ongoing invasions and battles involving alliance members.
  • Alliance Territory: refers to the alliance’s sphere of influence, including buildings such as the alliance super mine, alliance arrow tower, alliance warehouse, etc.
  • Alliance Technology and Donations: Alliance members can donate to improve alliance technology, and earn alliance points and alliance honor.
  • Alliance Store: Alliance members can buy items from the Alliance Store.
  • Alliance Help: When alliance members upgrade buildings, research technologies, forge weapons, and/or recover wounded soldiers, they can ask the alliance for help. The corresponding time will be shortened after the help is received.

About Land of Conquest

Land of Conquest is a multi-end (Web/H5/Android/iOS) game that incorporates blockchain technology and the NFT concept. It is currently deployed on the BSC chain.

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