Land Of Conquest — Attacking Tips

Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2022

Continuing with our never-ending mission of creating a game that is beginner-friendly and that allows for faster growth, we will share a quick list of attack maneuvers that can be used in different situations:

1. Empty City Trick (with the ability to return immediately) :

Send troops out to collect or make base at a distance to make it look like there are no soldiers or a small number of soldiers guarding your city. This will lure in potential invaders that will assume you are an easy win. Use this skill before the enemy approaches your base to take them by surprise.

2. March Acceleration:

Use March Acceleration to change the march time from 1 hour to 10 seconds (it can be used to attack the enemy base when the enemy is not online, which costs a lot of gold), or it can be used by the rally initiator after the alliance rally function is enabled.

3. Multi-force attack:

After calculating the time to reach the enemy base, using the March Acceleration and Advanced March Acceleration will cause it to multi-force attack the enemy base with multiple attacks at the same time, so that the enemy has no time to have their soldiers back defending the city, causing huge losses.

4. Aid kill (when the aid function is enabled):

When an enemy attacks other comrades in the alliance that have low combat power, you can calculate the time to use the Aid function and accelerate the march, which can make the enemy withdraw, and the best: your ally won’t suffer heavy losses.

5. City Move attack:

Use an advanced City Move card to quickly approach the enemy base or collection troops, so that the enemy can not withdraw back to the city, rob the enemy base resources, or kill the enemy’s troops.

