Dynamic Keyword Insertion: the Secret Weapon of Conversational Websites

Conversational Website, the combination of Website and Chatbot is transforming the browser experience by hyper-personalizing users interactions.

Jiaqi Pan
7 min readMar 22, 2018


Recently I wrote an article introducing the concept of conversational websites. It got quite a lot of attention, and many people were interested in knowing more about it.

The core value of a conversational website is the ability to deliver hyper-personalized experience adapted uniquely to each customer. In order to achieve a high level of personalization, we must rely on different technics that can make customers feel that your message is relevant and unique.

Today I want to explore the concept of Dynamic Keywords Insertion (DKI) which is one of the most used strategies to tailor personalized messages to their customers.

The power of DKI

So what is a Dynamic Keyword Insertion?

According to Wikipedia:

“DKI is a feature provided by Google Adwords, to dynamically insert a keyword that is most relevant to the ad to be displayed. It helps advertisers to use relevant keywords in their ads while making it easier for them to create unique ads for a large number of keywords.

However, the use of DKI is not limited to Adwords, but to a wide variety of digital experiences and it can adapt to almost any format possible:

-Single word: a username like “Jiaqi.”

-Multiple words: a user address like “221b baker street.”

-Numbers: a user age like “30.”

-Image: a company logo

Let´s see how companies use DKI in the real world:

Email Marketing — MailChimp:

Email Marketing has been around for more than 20 years. When companies first start using email for promotional campaigns they were getting 90% of open rates. But as more and more companies started abusing the system, the open rate was quickly declining.

The situation didn´t improve until the industry figured out that the key to increasing open rates is to personalize the email message. The primary strategy is to use dynamic keywords insertion like the name of the person you are writing to. MailChimp is one of the most representative companies in the email marketing space. You can synchronize your customer database with MailChimp and use all the information from each customer to personalize your message.

As a result, the open rate has been growing steadily since 2010.

In-App messaging — Intercom:

With the proliferation of cloud technology, SAAS products are quickly taking over the market from traditional software. The main difference between both models is the way how to manage the relationship with customers. Unlike conventional software, SAAS platforms are charging with subscription pricing where they must offer ongoing and recurring value to customers to avoid churn. This recurring nature made the in-app customer communication a critical aspect of every SAAS companies.

The team of Intercom recognized this need and designed an excellent solution that allows SaaS companies to communicate with their customers when they are using their product. One of the core strength of Intercom is the power to get in-app data and use it as dynamic keywords insertion to sent to customers hyper-personalize messages.

Example of how to use user attributes as dynamic keywords in Intercom

Adwords campaigns — Amazon:

The last case I want to share is how to use DKI in Adwords campaigns. With the intense competition in PPC marketing, most popular keyword categories are very expensive to target. Therefore it´s critical to optimize the conversion rate of your campaigns, or otherwise, your unit economies (CAC vs. LTV) won´t work.

The e-commerce giant Amazon is without question among the most sophisticated companies in AdWords campaigns. They are targetting more than 5,8M Keywords in different product categories. To get better ROI, Amazon has done countless experiments to optimize the conversion rate.

One key tactic is using DKI where they match the search keyword and the description of the ad campaign itself. Here you can see different examples:

Keyword: TENS Massagers
Keyword: Phillips Screwdriver Size 0
Keyword: Toe Less Stockings

Using dynamic keywords in conversational websites

As you can see, DKI is the secret sauce to make our customer experience more frictionless. Now let us take a look at how to use it in a conversational website.

Dynamic welcome message:

Very similar to the previous Amazon example, in the same way, we use DKI to match up search term with ad description, we can also use it on the landing page after the user clicks the ad. That´s the idea with Dynamic welcome messages, where you can use DKI to personalize the starting messages of your conversational website.

This tactic is very powerful to boost the engagement of new visitors, where your website chatbot can stand out immediately comparing to a static website.

Here is an example of one ad campaign we made at Landbot.

We have designed a dynamic welcome message that contains as keyword the term our user was looking for. We have A/B tested it with another landbot using a generic welcome message. As a result, we got an increase of 100% in conversion rate in the landbot with DKI.

Real-time personalization:

One advantage conversational website has over a static webpage is that it can adapt to your customers in real time!

In a conversation, the information flows in two ways where you can give and get data from customers at the same time. This is very powerful because with conversational website companies can progressively building the customer profile and offer more personalized experience.

For example, in Landbot each user interaction is saved as a variable so you can further use that information to adapt your messages to each user.

According to Dale Carnegie, “a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language”

When you ask a user´s name it will be stored as the variable @name. And in the later interactions, you can call the user by his/her name. This tactic can increase significantly the engagement of the user to continue the conversation. Some studies (like this one) show that a personalized content can lead up to 45% higher CTR and engagement.

User Data Enrichment:

Last but not least we can use DKI for user data enrichment (UDE) which means you can amplify the information of a user with additional data. This concept can be used in many different areas: Sales, Marketing, HR, Customer Service, etc.

In the case of a conversational website, UDE is tightly related with DKI where you have an initial data that can identify the user profile from an internal/external database. You can pull all the data associated with that profile in forms of DKI.

An interesting example for B2B product is to match up the IP address of an anonymous user as the initial data with his company profile. You can use services like Clearbit that offers APIs for data enrichment. Once you have identified the user profile, you use can his/her company name as a dynamic keyword personalize the message.

The customer data platform Segment has implemented this strategy on their website, and they saw a 5x increase in engagement (people clicking on the chat CTA) and a 2x increase in conversations.

Final thought

Dynamic keywords insertion is a simple yet powerful technic that allows companies to offer more personalized experiences to their customers. But with DK we are merely scratching the surface of hyper-personalization. In the next post, I will share more info about the next level of personalization: User Segmentation. Stayed tuned!

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Jiaqi Pan

CEO at @landbot_io | Humanizing the internet | Love talking about #chatbot #conversationalUI #business #techs #messaging