Landbot Weekly Review: Bradigar

Cristobal Villar
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2017

It’s Wednesday again so time for another Weekly Review, woohoo! 🚀

This week we’ll meet Bradigar - a Growth Marketing Agency built for startups that use your data as a starting point to bring a new era in Digital Communication.


The purpose of this landbot is explaining to every visitor what Bradigar is all about (as they are in a launching phase themselves), analyzing on which topics are startups more interested in getting external help and finally getting leads by asking for your email to keep you tuned.


In this case, landbot is not a person or a character but an entity, the company itself. Then, it starts explaining why regular digital communication agencies are not the best option when it comes to special needs, e.g. startups. 🤦‍

They’ll promptly ask you if you’re interested in what they’re saying. If not, they‘ll thank you for being there and give you the opportunity to go back - which they’ll celebrate like it was 1999:

We know how hard it is to manage a budget when your life depends on it and how much advantage the market can take from young and inexperienced lambs. Hopefully, Bradigar is here to help!

After explaining who they are and why they do what they do, they give you some options to learn more about what they actually do — based by the way on AARRR pirate metrics, which we love!

It’s always great to give the users different options so they can feel like actually surfing a site, with the ability to make their own decisions according to what they’re interested in, keep it in mind!

After this complete explanation — and got you showing real interest, which is at least equally important — they start asking for data. First, the name to use it later and then email so notify you for the release. It’s cool the way they say in the most explicit way possible you won’t get any SPAM: think how hard it is to get an email, don’t play with them!

And that’s it! Finally, you have the opportunity to start the conversation again or leave it there, and you already know how much I love playing with loops 😎


Simplicity is the word that best defines what Bradigar is trying to achieve with their design.

For background, they’ve picked a beautiful gradient from orange? on the bottom to purple? on top (colors are not my thing). Then, Indian red for buttons (thanks, Eye Dropper) which smoothly contrast the background. Inconsolata font for that romantic but post-apocalyptic look and feel and you’re good to go. ❤️ 🤖 A well-fitted sober logo is all this landbot needs to flow with the byte.

Of course, GIFs are part of the design, and you should focus on avoiding to cause heart-attacks to your visitors with Usain-fast moving puppets. Here, it’s not only GIFs but regular images which enrich the text.

C’est fini, thanks for reading! If you want to get your landbot featured, reviewed or just tested, I’m your man. See you next week, change and bot! 🤘



Cristobal Villar

COO and co-founder at and Helloumi. Economist with passion for markets and Customer Communication.