Building a Landing Page for Facebook Ads

Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2018

Do you invest in Facebook ads and require the type of landing page that achieves excellent rates of conversion? Building a landing page for Facebook ads is not complicated to get right, but doing so is very important. After all, on average you only have about 8 seconds to convert a lead that’s arrived from a Facebook ad.

In this article you’ll learn about the type of landing pages that Facebook users respond to the best. The tips here are based on countless hours worth of trial and error, so take note of them to improve your landing page to the next level.

Continuity from the Facebook ad

The marketing message on your landing page for Facebook ads and the ad copy itself must be consistent. If a user clicked on an ad about how to improve the muscle tone of their upper body, but the landing page is about learning to run faster then that is a problem.

When the user clicks on the ad they want to be sold on the fact that what was offered in the ad can be delivered. This is perhaps by buying the product on offer, or the signing up for an email newsletter.

If the ad was image based, then having exactly the same images on the landing page is ideal. Images are a great way to hit on emotional cues, so they should be featured on the landing page anyway. The average Facebook user consumes a lot of images via posts so they are used to this type of media.

In some cases it might be worth using exactly the same tagline in the ad and the landing page. If the tagline caught the attention of the lead and caused them to click, then the same message on the landing page can’t hurt.

Reduce the clutter

A landing page is created with the intention of getting the user to carry out a particular action. This might be to sign up for an email newsletter or simply to take advantage of a free trial. Any elements on the page that don’t contribute to this can be classed as a distraction.

For example, outbound links to view article, videos, polls and so on cause the user to get distracted. They could start a video and by the time they finish it they forgot why they arrived on the landing page in the first place. Consequently, they leave your landing page without having executed the desired action.

If you feel like your landing page for Facebook ads is a bit too cluttered for users of the social network, then try removing some distracting elements. However, make sure that you keep an eye on the conversion rate. By recording the performance you can figure out what changes have been positive for the conversion rate.

Social proofing

In the spirit of social media a landing page could be created with as much social proofing as possible. For example, you could use user reviews and testimonials that have responded on Facebook. This keeps the landing page within the Facebook community, which is great for continuity.

Social proofing works in marketing because it gives a reason for the lead to trust the product. If they see that their peers have bought the product and enjoyed it then they are more willing to buy it for themselves. It’s one of the reasons why Amazon and eBay are so successful — the user reviews.

You should allow for natural reviews to appear on your landing page so that they do not look biased. Select for a handful to be displayed and if they want to view more then provide an option to do so.


Creating landing pages for optimal conversion rates should always be based on what type of audience is going to arrive. Landing pages for Facebook ads can be created with high conversion rates because you have a clear idea of where the traffic is coming from.

If you’re still stuck then take a peek at what type of landing pages your Facebook ad competitors are creating. Pay attention to the top performing ads — the ones that have been around for the longest time. These are great educational tools to reverse engineer a successful landing page.

You have enough actionable advice in this article to get started with your own Facebook ad landing pages. The best teacher is experience, so find out what’s working and what isn’t to end up with the best lading pages for your specific audience.

Thank you for reading.

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Originally published at on April 16, 2018.



Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide

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