Building a Landing Page for Shopify

Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2018

There are a number of benefits to be by building a landing page for Shopify, yet not all sellers make use of such a page. It might be because of laziness or simply because they do not understand the benefits.

In this article we will explain the various benefits of building a landing page for Shopify. Hopefully by the end of this article, you’ll learn the positive aspects of such pages and you’ll be better motivated to start creating a few.

Improves sales

The biggest reason why you would want to create a landing page for any product is to increase the number of sales you’re able to generate. When a customer takes interest in your product a landing page has various features that enables you to increase the interest level.

This can be done via effective copywriting and an attractive call to action. The investment of creating a landing page will pay for itself in the form of more sales. Additionally, if you’re struggling to differentiate yourself and your products in the marketplace, then a landing page is a great way to achieve that.

A/B split testing can be done to further improve on a landing page to increase sales even more. In fact, a landing page is never actually finished. You can always find tweaks that will yield better results. The only question is if you’re willing to put in the work to find out the profitable tweaks to make.

Educate the buyer

A landing page for Shopify can be used to educate the buyer about the product in a captivating manner. The mixture of copywriting, product facts and high quality pictures is a recipe for success. However, you must ensure the quality of the photos is not compromised.

Often marketers take a shortcut by not providing the best photos possible. Your conversion rate will take a dip if you do that. Nowadays the audience expects the best technology to be utilized, and if it isn’t that will be a mark against you — regardless of how great the product is.

Taking the steps to educate buyers also means your customer service will not be as suffocated by mundane questions that you can answer on the landing page.

Increase authority

On the landing page you can include badges and other elements that align you with Shopify. Therefore, within the community you’ll be looked upon as one of the authorities in the niche, and that will have a positive impact on sales.

When operating in a fiercely competitive marketplace taking steps to improve the professional perception of your online store is a great idea. Also social proofing can be used on the landing page to show off what buyers think of your products.

This is a great way of generating testimonials that people will actually pay attention to. Nowadays social media has so much weight on swaying opinions that it’s worth using to your advantage.

Learn from examples

There are a wide range of examples that you can take a look at in order to learn how to create Shopify landing pages. There is no need to recreate the wheel when it comes to these type of landing pages. There are numerous successful businesses already taking advantage of them, and probably in your specific niche.

Therefore, take the time to look for these examples to learn. There is no need to outright copy any of the design elements, but you should instead use what you find as inspiration. It’s important to create your own spin on a landing page so that you can differentiate yourself in the marketplace.


By implementing the various strategies outlined in this article, you can begin to increase the effectiveness of selling via Shopify. However, you must understand that creating a unique landing page will give customers a reason to choose you over the competition.

Keep in mind that your first version of a landing page does not need to be great. You can always make improvements. In fact you’re encouraged to constantly work on your landing page so that the conversion rate is always improving.

Eventually the art of creating your Shopify landing pages will be a straightforward process that you can get right every single time.

Thank you for reading.

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Originally published at on May 17, 2018.



Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide

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