Building a Landing Page with Video

Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2018

Building a landing page with video can the power to increase conversion by as much as 80%, however, knowing the ins and outs of how to achieve this can be difficult if you lack experience. Also reading about how to execute a landing page with videos is one thing, but being a practitioner and implementing the tips can present unforeseen challenges.

Therefore, after you’re done digesting the tips in this article, take steps to put them into action. The process of doing so will present a learning curve, and each problem can be used as a learning tool to improve the process of creating video-centric landing pages.

Place the video above the fold

For those not familiar with the term “above the fold,” it’s basically the section of the page that’s instantly visible when the user loads the page. If the most important aspect of your landing page is the video, then ideally it should be located above the fold so that viewers are instantly drawn to it.

However, if you have one video above the fold, there is no reason why you can’t have additional videos below the fold. For landing pages with multiple videos, they should be spread out across the length of the page instead of crammed together in one spot.

Include more than video

There are great landing pages with just video alone and pretty much nothing else on the page. However, a great landing page with video can have other elements that help achieve better conversions. At a minimum, great copy to sell the video and backup the point made in the video is a good idea.

Catering towards different types of audiences is a good idea, and you can do that by including text, infographics, and other elements that contribute towards the overall message. Even though you might introduce a number of different types of content, it must all be themed towards one end goal. It could be to sign up for a free newsletter, fill out a survey, or make a purchase right there and then.

Select an attention grabbing thumbnail

One way of instantly conveying what a video might be about is the thumbnail. It should use an image that provokes intrigue, catches the attention of the casual viewers and most importantly makes the user click on the play button to begin watching the video.

Also to avoid frustrating viewers, ensure that the thumbnail is a correct depiction of what the video is actually about. By making it accurate, you not only grab the attention of the viewer, but also inform them of what can be expected from the content.

Engage everyone but target only one person

Use language and content that makes the viewer feel like they are being targeted personally. Using words like “you” throughout the video reinforces the thought that this video is communicating with the viewer directly, instead of talking in generalities.

When the user feels like they are being communicated to directly, they will be more engaged with the content of the video. For example, an car dealer tries to sell to one person at a time, and the same mindset should be used here.

Create an emotionally-driven story

If you’re going to use video, then it would be a sin to not take advantage of their most valuable aspect: the ability to tell stories and convey emotions. Using visuals and voice, emotion can be used to sell a product, create a sense of urgency, or show that you can relate to the problems of the viewers and so on.

The desired emotion you want to convey should be for the most part one that’s urgent, and a dose of fear can be created so that the viewer feels like they are missing out if they don’t invest in the product that’s for sale.

For example, if you’re selling a marketing extension that boosts productivity of employees, then you could show examples of how well companies have improved by investing in your product.


By implementing each of the tips given in this article, you can improve the optimization of your landing pages with video. Hopefully you see that there is a method to the madness when it comes to video-based landing pages, and ensuring that each tip above is implemented will nudge you in the right direction.

However, don’t take my word for it. Take the time to test each of the tips for yourself to see what mileage you get. It’s always best to test any advice you receive for yourself, as each marketing campaign is different with unique demographics.

Originally published at on January 23, 2018.



Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide

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