Designing a Landing Page from Start to Finish

Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2018

To get the best ROI when designing a landing page a few key elements have to be considered. There is a recipe for success when it comes to converting the target audience regardless of what industry you’re operating in. The recommendations presented in this article are easy to implement and work for the majority of landing page designs.

If you’re new to landing page design and are finding the process a little daunting, then these tips will ease the pressure. When you know what you’re doing the art of creating landing pages will be more enjoyable and profitable.

Continuity between ad and landing page

When the lead clicks on the ad there is a certain expectation of what they will see on the landing page. For example, if the advert is for a work from home opportunity for stay-at-home moms, but the landing page is about affiliate marketing with no mention of mothers on the page then it’s confusing.

There has to be a sense of continuity in the marketing message to ensure that the potential customer is not confused and doesn’t leaves the marketing funnel out of frustration. Using the same graphics and wording for both the ad and the landing page is ideal. Also it helps if the headline is identical for both.

Highlighted call to action

Every landing page must have a call to action to nudge the viewer in the direction of the offer. The typical landing page will have a single focus of what it wants to achieve. For example, if you have an email list as part of your marketing funnel then you might want to capture the email address instead of directly selling from the landing page.

Once you have decided on the call to action make sure that it spells out exactly what the reader should do. If you want a form to be completed, or a button to be clicked, then physically tell them where it is on the page and also point to it using an arrow.

Finally, ensure the call to action stands out on the page. Use a different font, bigger text or separate it from the body of the text. It’s just as important that the call to action gets read as the body of the page. Getting this right will increase the conversion rate of the page by a significant amount.

Mobile friendly

Nowadays you’re just as likely to receive a mobile based visitor as you are a desktop based one. Therefore, you’ll be shooting yourself in the foot if the landing page is not also optimized for the mobile users.

A website that is not mobile friendly can still be used by mobile devices, but there might be formatting issues, and the need to zoom in can reduce what the visitor can see — potentially missing your call to action.

Considering design elements for mobile devices is an added cost and will take more time to create your landing page. Ideally it’s best to create two versions of the landing page: one for desktop and the other for mobile.

The increase in mobile conversions means the investment is going to be worth the hassle. Therefore, don’t be hesitant to spend a little extra on resources to make it happen.

Make use of video

A powerful way to make your point on a landing page is to include video. Even if you are going for a text based format throw a video in there somewhere to compliment the content. This provides content for both types of audiences: those who prefer text and those who want to watch a video.

A video allows the emotions of the marketing message to be conveyed with a lot more energy. Even the best copywriters in the world will have a hard time competing with the marketing punch that can be conveyed via a video.

Also you can cover more ground in a video, which means users can learn more about your offer in a shorter period of time. This is advantageous because the attention span of users is getting shorter and shorter.


As you can see designing a landing page with the best ROI has a straightforward recipe. Implementing the advice in this article correctly will improve your results. Consequently, your trust for these methods will increase and it will be second nature to use them with every landing page you build.

Thank you for reading.

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Originally published at on May 3, 2018.



Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide

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