How to Build a Free Landing Page

Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide
Published in
4 min readMay 21, 2018

Are you in the process of creating a new landing page, but have no funds to put towards it? Then you’ll be glad to know that you can build a landing page for free. As you’ll learn in this guide there are a number of methodologies that can be used in order to get the job done — even if you have no experience building them.

A landing page is a simple concept that must be understood before you go ahead and create it. The point is to create an offer for which the page is focused on, and the setup of the page is to maximize the number of conversions. Having a concise idea of what your landing page is about before you begin working will make life a lot easier for you.

E-mail sign up forms

For those of you that are creating a landing page based on acquiring new emails should take a look at what your autoresponder service is offering. Top services such as MailChimp and Aweber allow you to generate a landing page without paying anything extra.

Strictly speaking this is not a free method as you need to pay for an autoresponder subscription. However, if you already have such an account, and most marketers do, then you won’t need to pay an additional fee.

You’ll notice that the landing pages created using these tools will have a minimal look where mostly the only element that is displayed on the page is the email sign up form. This is typical and works well because it reduces the clutter and confusion on the landing page. Consequently, the subscription rate will be optimized for the traffic you’re generating.


One of the easiest and most accessible website building platforms out there is WordPress and the theme support is excellent. This means you can find a big variety of themes that are basically landing pages. Some of these require a fee, but there are also plenty of free options to take advantage of.

You can also make use of the various plugins that WordPress has to offer. These can be used to customize a free landing page without having to understand any coding techniques. You can use the search bar to look for plugins that can execute the function you’re interested in.

Free landing page creators

There are a number of services that give you the functionality to create free landing pages such as Ucraft and Ontrapages. These services do have an element that require payment, but offer the tools required to create a free landing page.

Additionally, you can get the job done in a short period of time. Some services boast that they are so efficient that a building time of 1 hour is within reach. This is great if you have a long list of things to do and want to get the job done fast.

However, make sure that these companies offer the free landing page that you’ll be happy with. Some services might limit a few of the functions behind a pay wall. Get in touch with a customer service assistant to see what you can get away with building for free.

An added advantage of using these services is that you’re able to get support for building the page. This is especially great for those of you that have little to no experience building landing pages.


As you have discovered in this article there are a number of different methods that can be used to create a free landing page. You should explore all of them in order to see which one works best for you. Perhaps creating one landing page works best with one method, but when you have another offer a different type of landing page needs to be created.

For the most part there are no limitations in creating a highly converting great looking landing page for free. You do not have to pay money to get a lot of people taking up your offer via the landing page. The method of creation is not as important as the planning that goes into the process. You need to have a clear idea of what the target offer is and how you will persuade the audience to take the offer up.

We hope that you have a better idea of how to create an industry leading landing page using free methods. As always ensure that you do your own research to see what other methods are out there to be utilized.

Thank you for reading.

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Originally published at on May 21, 2018.



Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide

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