How to Write Landing Page Copy

Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2018

Landing pages play a central role in the marketing strategies of many companies. But as important as the various design elements of your landing page are, your ability to write persuasive copy could very easily make or break whether visitors who stumble upon your page will actually click through and convert into paying customers. Here’s how to write landing page copy that converts.

1. Focus on what matters

Over the years, research has repeatedly found that most people don’t read Web copy word for word. Rather, our eyes tend to gravitate to large headlines, bolded or italicized text, and any images or buttons that might be included on the page.

As a result, the vast majority of consumers who visit your landing page are probably only going to briefly scan the headline, sub-headlines, and call to action button before they decide to read more or click away.

Because of this, these features are the most important written elements of your landing page, and should receive extra attention during the writing process. Make sure these areas clearly convey what you have to offer so site visitors will immediately understand why they should read the rest of your content. Fine-tuning your headlines can have a big impact on your conversion rates.

2. Write like you talk

The idea of writing like you talk can certainly help you write effective headlines, but it should be a point of emphasis for all of your landing page copy. Now, this doesn’t mean that you should insert all those “um’s” and “yeah’s” that sneak into our day-to-day conversations, nor does it mean that you can throw grammar rules out the window.

But when you focus on honing your unique voice, even reading your copy out loud to see how it sounds, you can quickly identify and edit places where your landing page copy sounds somewhat robotic. By inserting your personality — and even a little bit of humor — your landing page copy will read more easily and be more persuasive to your potential customers.

3. Keep it simple

As an offshoot of the “write like you talk” idea, it’s also important that you keep your writing simple and easy to understand. Because landing page copy needs to make a strong impression in only a few seconds, you should make your writing short, sweet, and to the point. Don’t try to impress your readers with fancy sentence structure or heavy industry jargon.

The word “short” is one of the biggest keys to “simple” landing page copy. Short words, short sentences, and short paragraphs are all easy for your readers to digest, which makes it more likely that they’ll actually read everything you write. Structuring your copy in bulleted lists or breaking up paragraphs with subheadings can also help you avoid producing content that appears too lengthy.

4. Highlight the benefits

As valuable as it is to make your content easy to read, the information you include on your landing page is even more important. If you truly wish to convert your landing page visitors, you need to focus on your selling points — the benefits your customers can enjoy from using your product or service, and the reasons they should click on your call-to-action button in the first place.

There’s no need to hide your benefits behind fancy copy. Give it to your audience right away, and be as specific as possible. One helpful trick is to make a list of the benefits and features your product offers your target audience, then prioritize that list based on what your audience values most. When you make the top benefits of your product or service the focus of your copy, site visitors will be far more likely to convert.

5. Let someone else do the writing

If you already have a few loyal, satisfied customers, asking them for testimonials can generate copy that will be far more persuasive than anything you could write on your own.

When done right, testimonials can add a lot of clout to your landing page. Of course, this doesn’t mean any old blurb will do. Ask your customers for the specific details of how your product or service has benefited them. Have they experienced a boost in sales? Reduced employee turnover? Whatever the benefit, make sure this specific information (backed with numbers, when possible) is included in their testimonial.

By using real-life customer testimonials to highlight the benefits of your service, you can generate the most persuasive copy of all.


When paired with a well-crafted design and engaging visuals, following these keys for landing page copy will help you get more leads and improve your conversion rate. Yes, getting these writing principles to work for you might require a bit of practice, but the end result will be more than worth the effort.

Thank you for reading.

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Originally published at on May 7, 2018.



Nicholas Scalice
Landing Page Guide

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