Amazon product insert strategy to get more reviews (and build a list)

How does this sound: a strategy to get more reviews on autopilot.

Autopilot, as in you set, forget, and it continues to run with minimal effort and cost.

Sounds good huh?

Before we get carried away, I’m not saying you’ll get 1000s of new reviews flooding in.

But you can expect a small, but steady increase in reviews, which is well worth the minor effort required.

The average sale to review rate on Amazon is between 2–5%. By boosting yours a little higher, you’ll begin to gain ground on the products ahead of you.

Here I’m going to share this strategy with you, which is deceptively simple, but very effective.

What you need to get started

  • A product insert (small card put in with all your packages)
  • An email marketing tool (e.g. MailChimp, Drip, Klaviyo)
  • A simple landing page builder (e.g. LandingCube)

The strategy

Here’s the strategy in a nutshell.

You put an offer on your product insert for some kind of incentive, such as a free product or free content.

The link to claim the offer goes to a landing page, where the customer has to enter their email to get it.

You follow up with everyone who signs up with an automated email asking for a review.

Why this strategy is effective

  • You get to reach everyone who buys your product
  • You send the review request at a time when you know the customer has received and opened the product
  • You’re building an email list at the same time (even if the customer doesn’t leave a review)
  • Your incentive can help engage customers, or drive repeat purchases
  • There’s very little ongoing work required for this strategy. An incentive like a digital product (ebook) can literally run in the background, without you or your staff needing to do anything.

Here’s how it works

First, set up a simple landing page (you can do this with LandingCube). This landing page should promote an offer, like a giveaway or freebie.

Here are some ideas for what to offer:

  • An instructional ebook
  • A free product
  • A video course
  • VIP access to new products & promotions
  • An extended warranty

I like offering an ebook. You can make it on a topic that helps your user get more value out of your product — such as a recipe book (if you’re selling cooking/food prep products) or a book of exercises (for health & fitness products).

An ebook is also super easy to automate sending out.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you. I’ve also seen brands have a lot of success offering a free product (though this takes a little more work).

Once you’ve got your offer figured out and your landing page made, connect it with your email marketing tool.

The minimum you need here is one email, set up to send out when the customer opts in on your landing page.

First, this email will deliver the freebie (or say that it’s on the way). If it’s an ebook, send a link to the PDF here.

Secondly, send a short and friendly request for the customer to write a review for their purchase on Amazon, as well as a link sending them to the “create a review” page.

You could also separate these two emails — send the second (asking for a review) a couple of days later.

This is better if you want to give them a chance to read the ebook first.

Finally, put a few words about the offer and a link to the landing page on your product inserts.

That’s all you have to do.

Now, you shouldn’t expect a flood of signups and reviews straight away.

A portion of your customers won’t look at the product insert. Another portion won’t follow the link. And so on.

However, the beauty is that you get in front of every single customer. If it just results in a few more reviews each month, you’ve made a positive return on your investment.

This is the ideal attitude to adopt when trying to get more reviews on Amazon.

Use a few simple strategies to reach out to your customers, instead of trying to get 1000s of reviews all at once.

These “quick fix” methods are the most likely to get you banned.

But a slow, sustained increase in reviews will stick.

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